[@RBYDark] Never been into the horror genre much myself, oddly (surprise-surprise), but that type of character is always a hoot. Question- have you seen the short-lived TV show 'Firefly' or the movie, 'Serenity', which was made after it? I can not imagine any sci-fi fan [b]not[/b] having seen them, but I guess it [i]is[/i] possible, though highly unlikely... Yeah, I am sure that there are lots of highjacking devises to be found, and plenty of glitchy ones as well. I just thought of one rip-off one meant to operate a ship with locked controls, that is known to occasionally short-circuit or lose signal with the ship while plugged in, ceasing all commands sent to it for a few seconds before it works again. This can cause ships to fall out of the air, cut of life-support, blow lights, and much more. Ah, nice. I have recycled characters a couple of times when a RP failed, too. Actually, now that I think about it, I may use an old favorite as a side character. Hey, I saw that you use anime pictures for your characters. Is that what you always use? I ask because I think it would be cool if we only used photos for this, that way we can tell [i]exactly[/i] what the character looks like. Just an idea.