[center][img]http://s32.postimg.org/yqf27ep11/b75332fa7873c8bc027266760221257783f71079.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=0099ff]Kasumi Mizuno[/color][/center][/h3] Kasumi thanked the Gods for the knock on the door. It was time for her daily practice. Not that she needed it. Her strict parents seemed to get even more strict by the moment. [color=0099ff]"I'll get it!"[/color] Kasumi called to her parents so they wouldn't have to get up, hurrying to the door and opening it to see Sutemasu. She seemed surprised, but she didn't have the time to look shocked for long. They had an assignment. It was time to get up and get moving. Oh, lucky day! No boring music-only practice today! Thankfully she was already dressed, needing only to throw her light blue flak jacket and grab her harp. Her mother mentioned something about being careful, but she waved it off. It only took her a few moments to be ready to step outside and follow Sutemasu, but her heart leapt into her throat at the sight of the chunin already with her. [color=0099ff]"Sorry about that! I wasn't expecting you so..."[/color] She trailed off when she looked at Kota, a bright red blush springing onto her cheeks as she followed her new sensei to retrieve the rest of their teammates. It wasn't that they hated each other, in fact the opposite was true. They were close friends - or had been, years ago. In fact, Kasumi's boisterous holier-than-thou attitude was what had gotten her into Academy in the first place. She never would have even dreamed of it otherwise. It was competition with her childhood friend that had done her in. So here she was. The possibility of them being on the same team hadn't occurred to Kasumi - until now, of course. She was glad and terrified all in the same moment - how on Earth do you rekindle a friendship that had long since fallen apart? The group picked up the rest of their teammates and at that point, their sensei took the time to tell them to introduce themselves. Kota went first, but Kasumi wasn't far behind once he had gotten finished speaking. The last person she wanted to be one-upped by was Kota. [color=0099ff]"I'm Mizuno Kasumi. I'm nineteen. My birthday was just a few days ago. I use sound jutsus with my harp to support my team."[/color] She didn't mention the fact that she was bad at almost everything else. She left her introduction at that, letting someone else go next until they were all introduced. Despite the introductions, when they arrived at the gate, they were still early. This gave the team an opportunity to talk amongst themselves - if they desired - until everyone else arrived. She turned to Kota to speak, but once again, he had taken the opportunity first. [color=0099ff]"H-Hey...Kota-kun."[/color] She was able to keep the nervousness out of her voice. For now. He told her that she had changed and she managed a small laugh, keeping eye contact with him for the first time since they had been reintroduced. [color=0099ff]"Have I? You've changed too, Kota. I'm not such a 'huge loser' anymore."[/color] She offered him a smile, before turning back to Sutemasu to ask where everyone else was. Before she could, however, the other teams were arriving.