That shriek confirmed it. Giko [i]definitely[/i] had some sort of pervert lurking just outside her cone of vision. How terrifyingly clever! Loguetown deviants were really something else! [i]"Shh, don't react! We don't want to provoke him."[/i], She whispered, [i]"I need to ask you something. Act. Natural."[/i] She put her other hand overtop the first to steady the pink-haired girl. From her demeanor, it was clear: This stalker was not just any everyday stalker but some sort of [i]highly-advanced superstalker[/i] who terrified even witnesses into silence. Definitely not someone to be trifled with. She'd have to navigate this scenario with extreme caution. Giko withdrew a sketchpad and a carpenter's pencil from a bag hanging at her hip, preparing to draw. [i]"I need you to describe the person standing behind me. His face, especially."[/i], she whispered slowly, [i]"-Can you do that?"[/i]