[@rocketrobie2] Stark sighed with relief after he realised he almost set Grognak off. He never was good with people. With all the comotion going on outside the tumble he hoped they wouldn't be found to soon. "I don't think this will hurt to much, but I've only worked on a super one other time. Of you want me to stop just say so. Kay?" Stark smiled a bit and pulled out his tools and started working. It didn't take him long and his skilled hands made little error of any. [Tag: medicine] It wasn't long after he finished that he heard shots just outside the door of the access tunnel. [Per: 6] Hopefully no one would find them. Even with the large pipes blocking the view you could never be to careful. "Grognak, if anyone comes in that are enimes, wait until they pass big guy. Then we can hit them when they least expect it." suddenly, an idea came to mind. "Hey Grognak, know how to throw a football?" A wide be in came across his face. If they were armored, then it would take a lot of damage to hurt them... He remembered the exit wasn't far away and the nearest route would take at leas 15 mins... [Int: 10] it would likely cause another collapse but it would give them time.