[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Aum6ALB.jpg[/img] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3541399]Blin "Brytag" Alborse[/url][/center] [center][@shylarah][@PyroDash888][@chukklehed][/center] Blin's daydream fragmented as the hero there collapsed, he registered a steadily building headache until his eyes snapped open staring up at the sky unfocused. The light was too bright and he heard a voice saying “Sleepyhead, open your eyes! But don’t move -- oh, if you miss this you’re going to regret it!” He was almost about to empty the contents of his stomach when he eyes finally focused on the light infront of his face, a glowing orb. Were there scales? They swirled around and a pair of eyes appeared, they stared at Blin unbinking and he couldn't move. The slitted eyes were unnerving but for some reason Blin didn't fear them, he felt something, a connection maybe, but he couldn't really define it. He continued gazing into its depths and felt relaxed. His stomach settled down, his headache passed and then he was jolted from where he lay. Nikki had grabbed Blin and dragged him up from the grass, just as a boulder crased into the spot he was laying in. "[color=bc8dbf]Woah, where did that come from and how...[/color]" Blin turned to Nikki, the orb that was on his nose had already faded, a wispy looking tail quickly disappeared behind his back. "[color=bc8dbf]...did you know. Nikki you've saved me twice now. Thank you.[/color]" He took both of her hands in his, smiling as she did and then embarassed by his forwardness, let them drop sheepishly as he stepped back. "[color=bc8dbf]The other girl....[/color]" Blin couldnt recall seeing her before, with Tivo? He couldn't remember. "[color=bc8dbf]Is she alright?[/color]" He turned to look and saw Blank close the girl. "[color=bc8dbf]When did you get here? Blank isn't it? I've seen you with Lord Gaius before.[/color]" He turned red and realised that Blank had been with Nikki when he had seen him and he had just held her hands. "[color=bc8dbf]Er, and while you, ah, were with, um, Nikki....[/color]" his voice trailed off, and he wished he could just go back to sleep and forget this. Instead he turned and looked at the boulder and then at the hole it had left at the edge of the clearing in the trees.