[center][h3]Gaius Stronurr[/h3] [sub]The Forest Floor[/sub][/center] A practical malady of symptoms began to overtake Gaius as he crept closer to his two nearby companions, forcing him onto one knee by Rahna's side. [i]What the hell[/i] Gaius thought, frantically clutching his shoulder plate as his breathing grew heavier and heavier. He felt like he was about to throw up his lungs, but despite the nauseous churning at his core, he kept himself from upchucking. Were his injuries really that bad? No, it wasn't just him. Lee and Rahna looked to be affected too. But Rahna didn't crash, so what the hell was happening? Gaius tried to call for aid, but even kneeling at her side, his voice rang deaf to his friends, coming out as nothing more than a faint rasping. That had to be it, they were going to die there, and nobody would bear witness to their last breaths. Or so Gaius thought, until his head suddenly felt lighter, overcome by a soothing sensation. Although his chest pain remained, it was slightly easier to breath than just a moment ago. He felt something perch in his hair, but didn't have a clue as to what it was. He just took a moment to soak in the relief it offered, staying down on one knee by Lee and Rahna. Suddenly, something swooped down and slammed against the ground nearby, tall bony and feathered, like a skeleton with wings. Gaius's head shot upwards, baring witness to the strange white menace that hung over Lee and Rahna several feet away. It was comparable to his own height. What a frightening sight! Gaius' eye darted between Lee and Rahna for a moment. It was too much to take in at once. His instinct took hold of his better judgement and he rose to his feet despite the sharp pain in the left side of his body. But it was pointless. Gaius couldn't fight like this. His sword was worthless if he couldn't wield it with both hands, and as it stood, his shoulder felt like it was flooded with cement. [i]Damn it all.[/i]