[@Polaris North] [@Framing A Moose] [@Blueflame] [@Overlord24] [@pkken] [@Drakeonis] [@Dark Light] [@dragonmancer] [@tathgon] The golem would look at Avarius confused considering the golem had already slowed down sense the students was losing their breath, it would seem to look back towards Koga who would just nod, the golem would look back to avarius, stop bring it's hand up and literally flick Avarius out of the way, most likely giving him few bruses and possible a broken bone. he would fly straight into the claws of some kind of clockwork bird golem, who would instantly fly him off towards the medical room, as the original golem starts back on chasing. Now with two students in the medical room things was probably looking dark for the other students, the golem would continue chasing them, it would be at close to the 2nd lap mark that the first student would collapse.. and the golem would stop before he stepped on the student and Koga would blow a whistle "Everyone File in, that's enough running for today" he states as the students stopped running probably tried to catch their breaths before moving towards Koga. Koga would shake his head "pitiful... the average summoner student can run half of that on the first day.. you all didn't even complete two entire laps" he states as his golem moves next to him, he'd tap the golem's arm "This big guy here is called Reginald, from this point of his going to be your running buddy" he states "Just like today he'll chase you, this doesn't mean he'll stop for idiots like one student we had" he states "he'll give you breathing room only where he sees fit, and he'll punish any student who simply stops running without it being from entire exhaustion" he states "believe me he can tell" he shakes his head "Now we are going to work on channel summoning, I want all of you to sit down in a meditation position, and start meditation, [color=9e0b0f]try to connect to your summon on the other side to communicate with it[/color]" he tells all of them "Once you can do this we'll go to the next step" Koga pops his neck "eventually you'll be able to do this without needing to take the slow procedures like this but until then we go step, by step" he tells the.