[hider=Wolf] Name: Wolf Gender: Male Age: 20 Species: Saiyan Power Level: 17,500 Aura/Ki color: Purple Appearance: [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120102212639/dragonballfanon/es/images/a/a4/Kosoku_by_db_own_universe_arts-d39apg1.png[/img] Personality: In terms of personality, Wolf is devout saiyan warrior, willing to give his life to protect his brethren should the situation present itself. In the heat of battle he shows a ferocity that'd rival that of Vegeta's, demonstrating a level of aggression typical of saiyan men. Though he is usually calm and mild-mannered, though the permanent expression of anger on his face makes him unapproachable. Abilities/Techniques: Nothing really special except for an attack similar to Bardock's Saiyan Spirit attack in xenoverse. Equipment: Just his armor of course Weaponry: nothing conventional History: Wolf is one of the last remaining saiyan warriors of planet Vegeta, having served under the prince's mantle alongside Kaddish, Nappa and Kental, all of them soon to become the elite saiyan warriors they were destined to become. Their missions would lead them from one planet to the next, exterminating whole races until finally their next mission was to invade earth. Other: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He4YV1uqwfs[/youtube] Team Three Star [/hider] [hider=Kental] Name: Kental Gender: Male Age: 22 Species: Saiyan Power Level: 12,300 Aura/Ki color: Orange Appearance: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonballfanon/images/9/94/Kental_Base.png/revision/latest?cb=20130412014752&path-prefix=es[/img] Personality: Kental is a saiyan warrior whose bloodlust in never sated, always looking to fight and overpower his opponents with swift, powerful attacks. Abilities/Techniques: Oozaru's Fang- Kental forms deadly blades around his hand much like Salza's hand blade. Equipment: His armor Weaponry: none History: Kental was third in command in the order of the ranks, going from Vegeta, to Wolf, to himself, Nappa, then lastly Kaddish. Upon recieving word that Raditz failed his mission thanks to his scouter's transmission, the next task was to take earth and combat whatever opposition they'd face. Other: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86uZuVOWaZk [/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Kaddish] Name: Kaddish Gender: Female Age: 20 Species: Saiyan Power Level: 3,800 Aura/Ki color: Sky Blue Appearance: [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/e5ab/i/2010/062/7/0/kyabetsu__final_finnish_by_dovianax.jpg[/img] Personality: Kaddish is a bit different when you take her into consideration of the saiyans she fights alongside, she seems to hold a genuine fondness of children, especially being that she is unable to bear any. Her constant display of emotion often angers her superiors in addition to her weakness. Abilities/Techniques: Blitz Barrage- Kaddish moves toward her opponent at a dizzying pace, knocking them to the ground and aims her palm down at them to create the effect of what you see in the image above. Equipment: Armor Weaponry: nope History: (I'll keep this to be revealed in RP Other: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtV-G17GKbE [/youtube] [/hider] Team Three Star! WIP c: