Mattie didn't know what the fuck anyone was talking about. As usual. So, as this tension continued to stretch out, she was left to simmer and wonder and glare at Nick. She couldn't be all that mad at him, though: his state concerned her. She would have hated to admit that out loud right now, but he seemed [i]off.[/i] Confused, distressed. It was either something this redhead had done to him, or perhaps the M.X Alice was talking about. Since Mattie was not at all inclined to trust Alice, she leaned toward the former. It became clear to her that the clipboard he was holding was some sort of contract. Signing something in this fog of his? It was certain: someone was trying to screw him over. She returned Nick's pleading gaze with an expression that was surprisingly soft and reassuring. Whatever was going on right now, clearly he needed a hand to get out of it. Mattie strode to one side of the bed he sat in. With her sizable backside she pushed Alice a couple steps back, and although it wasn't quite clear if it was intentional one could assume it was. "Listen to me, okay?" she said. Her voice was calmer than it had ever been in the last couple days. "Nicholas, you shouldn't sign [i]anything[/i] unless there's a lawyer present. None of us here are lawyers, at least I don't think so, but let's just see what that says..." Mattie snatched the clipboard out of his hands and peered at the text.