Thursday March 21, 2016 Om smirked at Blakes question. "Tools would make things too easy, and this [i]is[/i] supposed to be a punishment for all of you, so you'll just have to wait and see. Now," he crooked a finger in their general direction, indicating for them all to follow. "come with me and we'll get you guys started. He turned and walked away, sure that they would al fall in line behind him. And they did. Richard sighed and followed along with Largent loping along behind. Carter, Cassidy, and Hall all fell into step, if reluctantly, leaving the rest to bring up the rear of the group. Alden and Mina walked side by side While Micky and Blake sort of meandered around near the rear of the group. Sophia was still nowhere to be seen but there was little doubt in anyones mind that the strange girl was somewhere in the area. "You have got to be shitting me," Richar muttered when they crested a small hill and looked down into the center of the park. The exact middle of the grassed space was a giant open field. There was a baseball diamond at one end and enough space in between the diamond and the end of the grass for a regulation soccer field to be set up. At the end of the rectangular space closest to where they stood where five large trash dumpsters. Five empty trash dumpsters. The ground in front of them was strewn from one side of the field to the other with loose paper, bags, boxes, scrap metal, springs, an entire sofa, what looked like part of a volkswagen bug, and a set of wooden bunk beds. "There's nothing disgusting out there," Om said, waving a hand in the direction of the mess that covered several hundred sure feet of ground. "No food trash or liquids, nothing like that. This trash was acquired from stationary stores and hardware stores and thrift stores. It's all relatively clean, as trash goes, but I will be supplying you al with gloves. Other than that, no tools. You may all leave when all of that trash," he pointed at the mess. "Is in those dumpsters," he said and jerked his thumb in the direction of the dumpsters." Richard stared at the field of debris, noting idly that Sophia was already walking amongst the mess, picking things up at random. She had already constructed a little doll, using various mechanical parts to construct the body and some yarn that she was in the process of tying to the things 'head' as hair. If hair came in hot pink, neon blue, and baby puke yellow. "Do I want to know how she go over there so fast?" Om asked Richard in a lowered tone and Richard could only shake his head. "Probably not, Sir." "Call me Om," he said, absently. After a moment he seemed to shake himself awake and clapped his hands together once. "Alright, who wants gloves? The long this takes you the longer it'll be before you get home, and don't forget, tomorrow is a school day." ---------- "I can't believe we're actually picking up all this junk," Largent growled, glaring at the mess around them. They were maybe a quarter of the way through the chaos, but with every passing minute Largent became more and more aggravated about the entire situation. "This is such bullshit." He pulled out his last cigarette and tossed the pack over his shoulder, tucking the butt between his lips. "Hey!" Largent turned to face the voice, tip of his cigarette glowing angrily as he tucked his lighter into his pocket. “Watch where you're throwing things, Dude,” Cassidy snapped and threw the empty pack back at Largent. “Hey, just cause you're a chick, don't think I wont knock your ass out,” he snarled and she stepped forward, almost chest to chest with him before she reached up and shoved him. Largent stumbled back, crashing into Hall, who shoved him again, spun and swung wildly at thin air. It was about at that point when things completely fell apart. Everyone started yelling. Some jumped into the fray, attempting to pull Largent and Hall apart after the two started laying into each other. Alden and Mina kept to the outskirts of the argument while Sophia attempted to get close enough to drop Largent again, but everyone else kept getting in her way. And through it all, Om, was nowhere to be seen, having left them to their cleaning more than half an hour previously. Richard found himself dragged into the mess, literally, by Largent grabbing the front of his jacket and yanking him forward. “Somehow,” Largent growled. “I'm not sure how, but somehow, I'm positive this is all your fault somehow you little shit!” he snapped. Richard panicked and leaned as far back as he could, partly to try to simply put distance between himself and Largent, who looked to be in a complete rage, and partly to try to avoid the stink of his cigarette breath. In doing so, leaning back, jacket digging into his armpits as he sunk down in the garment, he was afforded a unique viewpoint that no one else present had. “What the hell is that?” When Richard spoke, it wasn't exceptionally loud. He didn't yell, or raise his voice particularly. But the words cut through the group like a knife, instantly silencing the argument and everyone turned to stare at Richard and Largent. Richard was staring up into the sky, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open in complete shock. “What the hell is that?” Cassidy echoed, at which point Largent dropped Richard on his ass and turned to look up, along with everyone else. IT, was a shape. A triangular shape. One might even have called it a ship, except for the fact that there were no visible engines. No propellers, no props, no anything to indicate how the craft, easily 150 feet in length from tip to end, was remaining in the air. There were no lights. Apparently no windows. And it was silent. Completely, and utterly silent, floating impossibly across the sky. They stood and watched as it floated past the baseball field, over the stand of trees separating the field from the rest of the park, and it slowly dropped behind the evergreens and out of sight. There was a moment, just a moment, where everyone stood, motionless, staring at the trees and the ship that they knew lay just behind them. Then they were moving. Largent started to move but Ricard reached out and grabbed his ankle, tripping the larger boy as he leapt to his feet and broke into a sprint. 'What the hell am I doing?' he thought as his shoes pounded across the grass. 'I'm running toward a space ship, possibly alien, probably alien, when I should be running away. I should be calling the police, or the media, or the frickin' FBI! But no, I'm running AT the damn space ship.' He shook his head, pushed the thoughts aside and simply ran, rushing across the baseball field with everyone else in hot pursuit. He wanted to be the first one to see the ship.