I'm sorry to interrupt the ongoing discussion, but I believe I've found a minor loophole in Vaughtar's CS that probably is worth fixing or at least given an explanation to as it is a matter of interpretation. The thing's about how the transition from day to night and vice versa works. Basically the whole mechanism of his link being severed is there to provide playability at day and adding a weakness, but I got the feeling that an instantaneous jump from one state to the other would hamper the actual implementation of that weakness because, at least that's what I'm thinking, you would have to select each time if its day and he would be barely combat-worthy at all or if it is night and the weakness would be nonexistant in that particular scene. So I could imagine that some kind of continuous slope that goes down in the few hours around dawn and up again in the few hours around dusk could be better, leaving not only the choice between the two extremes but also something in between (with the additional option of time passing by as the scene goes on). I don't know what you would feel more comfortable with, but I'd add the corresponding clarification to the CS depending on your decision. Another thing: Would you like the weight limit of the person he can carry with him in the air specified ? Possibly his own weight, too. (though I would have to think about an estimation method for this in his case :D)