[quote=@Jin Of Mana][hider=Shadrok] [@NacNak] Finished! [b](Let me know if i need to fix anything.)[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/xkLFiWM.jpg?1[/img] [i](Hair is red, not black.)[/i] Name: Shadrok Gender: Male Age: 20 Species: Saiyan Power Level: 2,200 Aura/Ki color: Purple Appearance Description: Shadrok is semi-tall. (5ft 11inch) Eyecolor is hazel. Approx 81kg weight. Red-haired [i](Unlike in photo.)[/i]. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzLkgYZBOM0[/youtube] Personality: [list] [*] [i](Commonly)[/i] Relaxed or mellow to the point of being perceived as lackadaisical. Also tends to be a bit rude or [*] [i](Rarely)[/i] Once something catches his attention, can be rather passionate, even if he only takes actions solely based on own interest or curiosity. [*] [i](Finally)[/i] A man of few words. Also, once attention is gained, Shadrok's stubbornness and 'greed' can make him a rather persistent and aggressive fellow... [/list] Abilities/Techniques: [list] [*] Flight, Ki Blast/Beam basics [i](The basic stuff, right?)[/i] [*] [i](Very low-level)[/i] Energy sense [i](Not at all trained, but faintly there)[/i] [*] Power up/down [i](Doesn't know how to conceal/hide his power.)[/i] [*] Ki-Rain: Continuously fires ki-blasts far above foes, which faintly stop mid-air then redirect towards foes or targets. [i](Doesn't need to start with technique.)[/i] [/list] Equipment: A gourd flask (Holding water, seen attached to his hip), A small cloth bag over his back [i](Contains some rations/dried meat/jerky)[/i] Weaponry: "[color=SlateBlue]I only need my fists and Ki....[/color]" History: Before summoned by wishing well summoned, Shadrok was far from the standards of "hero". Alike many Saiyan before himself, Shadrok's past life was riddled with conquering planets and all that other Saiyan savagery. Albeit no memory exists of these past transgressions, for Shadrok is suffering amnisa. During the summoning performed by the well, Shadrok lost all of his memories, even forgeting a few of his techniques he use to use.... Other than his few techniques remembers, he only recalls his own name, age, birth-date [i](not year?)[/i], fighting-styles... [i](also, only information of himself exists, so he remembers nothing of his past family or etc.)[/i] Other: Still possesses his tail.... [hider=One last thing]TEAM THREE STAR![/hider][/hider] [/quote] *hold ups a magnifying glass to CS* uh-huh... uh-huh... *puts a stethoscope on and holds it to the CS* hmm.... yes I see... *puts away stethoscope* listen... I'm really sorry but... It's Accepted! X3 go ahead and put it in the CS tab =)