Mattie was brave, Jacob thought. There wasn't anything he felt like he could do in this situation. It seemed like Mattie had more of an influence over Nicholas than he did right now. To say the least, he was stumped. And he stood there, probably looking as dumb and dazed as Nicholas did, except most likely without the effects Nicholas was suffering. Jacob didn't know what Alice had done to his brother. Honestly, he didn't know much of anything that was going on right now. He just knew that Nicholas was holding a clipboard, one that Alice had tried to get Jacob to sign, except Jacob wasn't drugged like his brother appeared to be. And what about Nicholas' wound? How was he sitting, moving, and talking through that pain? Drugs. Drugs were obviously involved. It brought Nicholas a wave of relief when Mattie strode over to him and bumped Alice out of the way. The words she spoke seemed cloudy, again as if he was underwater. He peered at her, confusion on his face. Then she snatched the clipboard out of his hands, which started shaking. He felt weak. He felt pathetic. Completely pathetic. He couldn't even take up for himself; he had to get Mattie to save him just as she'd done many times in the simulation. "A lawyer?" Alice scoffed. "This isn't simple human business. This is dem- I mean, super mutant business, Mattie. Lawyers don't matter. Now, Nicholas was making his decision to sign that piece of paper, so I don't think you should interfere." Alice put her hands on Mattie's shoulders, ready to jerk her backward and snatch the clipboard back.