[hider=Yurako Wen] [centre][h1][u]YURAKO 'YURA' WEN[/u][/h1] ________________________________________________________________ [img]http://i.imgur.com/UKXATPy.png?1[/img] ________________________________________________________________ [i][color=f6989d]Formerly known as 'Yura'| Female | 25 | Japanese[/color][/i] [h2][color=f6989d]GEISHA[/color], RED LIGHT DISTRICT, [color=lightgray]LOWER RAVEN[/color][/h2] [quote]The name 'Yurako' was bestowed upon her by the cartel. The girl's real moniker is unknown. [indent][color=gray]Yurako stands at 5'7, with a slim but lithe, toned frame mainly due to her regular exercise ever since she was a teen. Rather blessed in the gene department, she utilizes her looks to compliment the facade she puts on for her dearly-beloved customers as they unsuspectingly chat up their inevitable demise. The girl was fed well by her [s]captors[/s], [s]owners[/s], parents, in an effort to fully equip their daughters as they embarked into the beautiful scene of harlotry. A nutritionist had been assigned to all of the young women since their capture at the ripe age of 14. A balanced diet was absolutely necessary, followed by exercise 6 days a week. The young escort is rarely seen without her traditional garments that the tavern supplies the daughters with. T-shirts, jeans, jackets and such have never laid contact upon her body. Not unless they were playfully thrown at her during business matters in the bedroom.[/color][/indent] [indent][color=lightgray][i]The courtesan's symbol is nestled on the back of her neck, usually covered by her hair. She pulls out the 'tattoo' card if any customers question the mark.[/i][/color][/indent] [/quote] ________________________________________________________________ [color=f6989d][h3]"Allow your temptations to get the better of you - it makes my job easier."[/h3][/color] [quote][indent][color=gray]Yurako was one of those kids you'd see on the streets in Grim City. Dirty, bruised, and hopeless. The girl was devoid of familial connections - absolutely no one had any idea of where she came from. No name, no birthday, no ties. With all this info, or lack of, the girl did not exist. Yura was dead at best. The government was corrupted to the point where lost causes were left on their own means. No one had the time to bother about anyone but themselves, as with humanistic nature. No one knew how long she had managed to live on those god-forsaken streets; most importantly how. Sometimes she'd tell her younger sisters that she thrived off of polluted river turtles and tadpoles. She built fires by the province, and used a trusty pot she'd found during one of her salvage hunts to boil water from the river. The heating process produced scum at the bottom of the pot, but the girl knew no better. She drank the waste alongside the purified water, and ate her turtles in peace. Fifteen years in-and-out of poverty landed her in the arms of her current employers. They called themselves the Parents. They recruited her one fine day and about twenty other young girls her age. Well, more like picked them up off the streets like the pieces of trash they were brought up to be treated as. They scouted her during one of their romantic riverside drives. Their noisy lovemaking was interrupted as the thudding of rocks thrown against their car window brought them back down to earth. [color=pink]"Hey! Quiet down before I shove these rocks so far up your ass you'll be spitting pellets for days!"[/color] The man angrily poked his head out of the car, ready to storm out until he noticed a pretty face under all the muck. The girl ceased her attack. Yura grimaced as he buckled up his pants and held out a hand towards her direction. [color=pink]"And yooouuu... can call me Father. How would you like to work for me and my partner? Food, shelter, comfort, and a name. All your basic human needs. That's all we'll offer for your sweet face."[/color] he winked. The job was taken without a second thought. They were brought and introduced to two prominent locations: their warehouse, and the Tavern. The warehouse acted as their base of operations, where they slept, ate, and trained. All the girls knew the basics: how to please their customers, and how to talk their way out of pretty much everything. However, Yura had another set of skills bestowed upon her. Each of the daughters had a specific occupation. Although their masks read 'prostitutes', the cartel also had other plans for their business to bloom. Yura was trained in the art of botany, and thus knew how to grow illegal flora, and also had the knowledge of what she had to combine to create either healing medicine, or deadly poison. Amongst the rest, Yura stood out due to her... unnatural capabilities. The girl had the ability to summon a scythe at her will, and the Parents used this to their advantage. Aside from being the family farmer, she was also their weapon. Wiping out unwanted clientele and slipping out unnoticed was deemed part of her job. The Tavern in the red light district, was one of the best stripclub-slash-hostess bar-slash-brothels in the area. Everybody who was anybody came to be seen there. The Daughters kept themselves busy primarily through their customers and extensive clientele. Yura spent years perfecting the art of eliminating humans - those of whom who'd reached their expiration date, whilst putting in her best effort to seem as harmless as possible, in order to lure her prey into her welcoming arms.[/color][/indent] [indent][color=lightgray]Yurako knew better than the rest of her sisters to get involved with the apparent "lesser evil". Time and time again she had to witness the brutal mistreatment of the women who'd been brought up with her. The customers believed that their hostess' price tag was their fixed value as a living being. The empathy never went beyond lustful prejudice. Humans had never been kind to her. Why would they? She was merely bred to be objectified. A disposable plaything. Good for nothing but her nice, nice body. Expendable at best. That's what humans had taught her. The girl usually spoke with sweet words laced with venom. The utilization of sarcasm and crass humor was nothing rare for this lady, and she used it to her advantage. Many a time had she garnered the attention of a client with her "witty language". Yurako is not particularly fond of those who treat her like trash. This goes for reapers and humans alike. Have some manners, she'll reciprocate. Give her shit, she'll be likely to do the same. The past decade taught her a lot of how the human mind works in the face of sin. They lie, they exploit, they step on others to get what they want. Shallow. Inconsiderate. Then she realized the worst part of it all - she had become those who hurt her. Years of working at the Tavern bore scars upon her body as the people used her and threw her back to be used again. The only time she had allowed herself to feel any sense of relief was when she was given the order... or when she felt like it. When she didn't use her scythe to kill people off, she used hemlock. The girl grew them in pots at the warehouse, so they were abundant and ready for use. Lacing their drinks and watching them choke on seemingly nothing had been part of the fun she'd grown accustomed to. The Parents didn't know, but they knew one of their daughters had been accumulating a bounty on her head - and they were ready to sell her out for it. The Tavern was rampant with middle-aged men and those who were looking for the usual "good time". Some found the pleasure they longed for, and some met an imminent death. It all depended on those who treated the women right, and who got away from Yurako when they didn't. Word got out in the vicinity that the death toll increased, but no one took heed of the warning. [/color][/indent][/quote] [u][i][b]The brunette specializes in botany, acupuncture, various forms of aromatherapy, and massages. The last three were a result of her upbringing as a tavern mistress. The first was meant for her original occupation as the "farmer" of the family.[/b] [/i][/u] [h2]Physically and mentally,[/h2] [quote][indent]Yura's physical abilities in practical terms are decent at best. Additionally, running a few dozen kilometers is no problem for her. However, there's only so much a 105lb girl can do. Exclusively, most of her strength derives from her reaper heritage. With the extra horsepower, she can throw a person three times her size a whopping distance. And if she was in the mood, she could snap a neck with three fingers and a big smile. With years of training adding up to her exceeding physical capabilities for any average girl, she balances it out with a mentality that's been bruised over and over, only to scab over and harden. The cynic in her matures every passing day, as her customers prove to be of no hope for the future of their kind. Lazy, dirty, sinners. It makes eradicating the mass much easier for her to handle. This could be a hindrance, considering that doing so is illegal. There is a price tag on Yurako, it's just that no one has figured it out yet. As a seductress and an assassin, she knows her way around distinguishing the two professions, growing to be skilled in the art of manipulation, seduction- oh, and she can grow plants! Her mild prejudice against humans can be quite unsettling, however. Even more so is her ability to disguise the fact. The girl is quite hard to move when it comes to believing the human race has a shot at the future. The world was dying and she knew it. Speeding up the process was much to her liking, but she secretly longs for the day for someone to come along and prove her wrong. Yurako was not oblivious to the hate against reapers. The rapidly increasing movement against those who did their jobs and those who did more. That was the only reason why she continues to revel in the safety of the Tavern. [/indent] [/quote] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLYlMq6MU2s[/youtube] [/centre] [/hider]