“Haaah… haaah…” Lucretia staggered towards the shop, out of breath. She stopped by a wall, watching the new gangsters file into the shop. “Oh… oh, dear. There [i]really[/i] are a lot of them,” she mumbled to herself. “Perhaps this wasn’t such a--” She stopped. That ninja… was he the one on the flying boat? He had to have been, it certainly wasn’t one of those thugs there… Well, that put a wrench in her plans. How was she supposed to recruit him into her Very Own Pirate Crew if he was busy beating up some dirty street gang? There was only one solution she could see here-- Her train of thought was more or less interrupted by the massive explosions. She balked. This mysterious figure… he had some kind of special power as well! That settled things. If she wanted to get him on her crew, then she would definitely have to-- Lucretia’s scheming was once again interrupted - this time, by some kind of ‘rocket-powered man’ attacking the ninja from within the shop! Perhaps [i]he[/i] was the one on the boat all along? Lucretia shook her head dismissively. Her first day as a pirate was already far more chaotic than she ever expected. But, of course, that only meant it was time to restore order -- didn’t it? She scowled. As far as special powers go, she really did get the short end of the stick - why couldn’t she turn into something [i]nice,[/i] like a cat or a giraffe? Oh well. She focused, growing taller and - well, greener. By the end of it, she stood nearly eight feet tall, with weird bug eyes, a set of antennae, and two inordinately sharp, blade-like claws jutting out from her arms. Without further ado, Lucretia rushed towards Zehst and Tenmon, bowling over any gangsters that happened to be in her way. “Both of you boys - whatever you’re fighting about,” she yelled, “Stop it right now! I’ve got a business proposition for the two of you!”