As Tenmon prepared himself to cleave through the many gangsters ahead of him, he was interrupted by the shouts of another. [colour=7ea7d8][b]"Ninja Arts: Sweepi—"[/b][/colour] [b]"What weapon did you use just now!? Who designed it!?"[/b] It was the rocketeer again, but he was... charging? At him? Tenmon knew it: he [i]did[/i] step on somebody that wasn't a goon! The young ninja tapped his palm with a fist as he made the realization. At that moment, [i]another[/i] non-goon arrived. It was a... giant mantis? A [i]talking[/i] giant mantis? Were those native to Loguetown? Were they native to the East Blue even? A series of questions rushed through Tenmon's mind to the point where he barely processed what the mantis-woman was saying - something about fighting? He didn't have time to talk about fighting; he [i]was[/i] fighting! [colour=7ea7d8][b]"Hang on talking mantis, I have to defeat these gangst—BLEUGH!"[/b][/colour] Amidst the commotion of gangsters and giant insects, Tenmon had forgotten that he needed to dodge the attack from the rocketeer. The elbow thrust struck Tenmon in the face, sending him spiralling into the air — seriously, he must've spun like, 10 times during that 2-second airtime. It was fine though, Tenmon could easily stabilize his landing; he was a ninja after all. Well, he [i]would've[/i] easily stabilized his landing if he wasn't being knocked straight into Nose Ring's gangsters. Sure enough, the young ninja barrelled straight into the thugs, inciting yet another explosion to take place as he collided with them head-on. Colour was removed from the area yet again as both light and smoke bellowed from the site of impact, obscuring both Tenmon and the gangsters he had been shot into. The smoke began to dissipate, revealing a pile of knocked-out gangsters and Tenmon, who was laying atop the pile - still conscious. He sat up almost immediately, justifiably angry that he was just attacked by the [u][b][i]same guy he gave directions to[/i][/b][/u]. [colour=7ea7d8][b]"Hey, Rocket Man! Why are you attacking me for!?"[/b][/colour] Tenmon shouted, hopping off of the pile of gangsters as he did so.