[img]http://pre02.deviantart.net/578c/th/pre/i/2015/327/0/8/undertale__sans_4k_hd_sprite_by_c4dguy995-d9hrp8y.png[/img] I believe for most I don't need to explain who this guy is, but he is basically a pun loving skeleton who I laugh in the face of. The next paragraph will tell you why. I will admit that this "Numbskull" doesn't need to be told to "Break a leg" but I am however gonna throw this "Bonehead" a bone and tell him to put a "Skele-ton" more "Backbone" into his Not-at-all"Humerous" puns, maybe this guy can eventually say something "Spine tingling" some day but for right now his seemingly "Ribtickling" attitude does not "Bone" me in anyway at all. I have "Bone" down this road a million times and "Ulna" gonna do is tell me to shut up but maybe you should "Femur-se" yourself in my "Jawbone dropping" puns while I "Neckglect" to stop with the jokes anytime soon.But hey it's not like I'll be working my self "To the bone" here so relax buddy. [center]:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool:cool[/center]