Lazzerus was going strong going at a slower pace then Charles to keep up. Sure Lazzerus was in shape but not for 10 miles of running. When Koga called all the students back he was relieved, after being introduced to the rock golem Reginald they were going to begin summoning the channeled forms of their summons. Lazzerus sat and meditated coming in contact with his summons, [color=2e3192]"Hello Lazzerus, how are you feeling"[/color] Rajin said telepathically. [color=f7941d]"....I'm fine...just a little tired"[/color] Lazzerus replied. "[color=f7941d]" are you feeling"[/color] Lazzerus asked. [color=2e3192]"I am well thank you for asking"[/color] it feel into awkward silence, Lazzerus didn't know what to say he just sat there meditating. [color=2e3192]"you don't speak much huh"[/color] Rajin said. [color=f7941d]"..yeah"[/color].![color=2e3192]"I know your past Lazzerus, don't worry I know you not comfortable with making friends but I am gonna be around for your entire life so don't be afraid to communicate with me"[/color]. Lazzerus paused, he knew that Rajin was right, they are combined as one until death do them part. "[color=f7941d]"alright Rajin, up a bit to you.[/color] Lazzerus replied.