[center][img]http://img14.deviantart.net/1958/i/2011/327/1/8/logos_007___dragon_ball_007_by_vicdbz-d2n5cey.png[/img] [h1][b][color=f7941d]The Summoned Sagas[/color][/b][/h1] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t3X1X83hCY[/youtube][/center] The sound of a small splash rang out as a gold coin landed in the water of a rather small wishing well. [color=a187be]"wishing well please grant to me my wish, bring powerful warriors to Earth to help defend it against those who'd do it harm..."[/color] A peaceful tune chimed out of the well as the water within began to glow, shortly after the tune died down as the glow faded. [color=a187be]"... did I do it right?... I hope I did it right..."[/color] Little did the witch known as Baba know that scattered around the world on the general side of Earth she was on, human sized auras of light began to suddenly appear just above the ground in random locations as the warriors she wished for were summoned to her universe. [hider=Global Map] [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/7ef9/f/2014/214/c/b/dragon_ball_map_by_templarian93-d7te5a2.jpg[/img][/hider] [u][b]Gohan's Training Grounds[/b][/u] [b][color=00a99d]"HAAA!!!"[/color][/b] A voice yelled out as it was quickly followed by the sound of Ki blasts exploding against the ground. Piccolo was in the middle of training Gohan, who was jumping and flipping out of the Ki way of Piccolo's Ki blasts. [color=fff79a]"whoa! aAah!"[/color] Gohan cried out, just barely evading two more blasts from his teacher. Piccolo narrowed his eye's slightly as he watched his student, noticing that Gohan was only evading instead of trying to get closer to him. [color=00a99d]"Go Ahead! Don't Just Dodge! Get Inside!"[/color] Piccolo exclaimed before launching another barraged towards Gohan. The Saiyan hybrid hesitated only for a second before he dodged another blast, he then proceeded to make his way towards his teacher while evading his attacks. As Gohan got closer he began to speed up as a look of determination grew on him. Running strait towards Piccolo he jumped into the air and positioned himself to send a dive kick into his teacher. [color=fff79a]"HaaaaaAAAAHHH!!!"[/color] Piccolo's eye's widened slightly in surprise before he reacted reflexively, shooting out twin beams of Ki from his eyes which hit Gohan in his chest. The sudden attack effectively stopped Gohan in his tracks as well as knocked the wind out of him before sending him to the ground face first with a thud. Piccolo stood still for a moment before he blinked, a look of slight concern in his eye's. [i][color=00a99d]'Darn It!, He Surprised Me That Was A Reflex Shot! I didn't mean to hit him so hard...'[/color][/i] Gohan's arms and legs twitched a little as he let out a pained groan before pushing himself up to his feet. Piccolo let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he watched the boy get back up. Gohan placed his right hand over the spot Piccolo's attack hit him as he looked at the burn mark left on his Gi. [color=fff79a]"hey, you cheated, you said no eye's lasers..."[/color] The boy complained with a furrowed brow, to this Piccolo grit his teeth. [color=00a99d]"And What If I Did?! You Should Never Believe Anything The Enemy Tells You!"[/color] Piccolo lectured as Gohan looked up to him. [color=fff79a]"yeah but... I mean... you're not the enemy..."[/color] Piccolo merely grunted in response before something made a chill run up his spine. He looked around the area as if trying to see beyond the horizon with wide eye's. [i][color=00a99d]'what is that? it feels like... like really strong powers are just... appearing out of nowhere, what's going on? it can't be the saiyans can it? no there's way to many, there are only suppose to be two of them, this is something else...'[/color][/i] Gohan seemed to have taken notice of what Piccolo noticed as well as a worried look began growing on him. But the look of worry vanished and was replaced with awe as dark clouds began to move overhead at an abnormal rate, blocking out the sun. That clouds were teaming with lighting as bolts of electricity danced in the dark clouds, making the air ring with thunder. [color=fff79a]"whoa, what a storm, I've never seen anything like it..."[/color] Gohan stated as he watched the sky above with a mix of awe and worry. On the other hand Piccolo was looking up at the clouds with a mild glare. [i][color=00a99d]'that's no storm...'[/color][/i] Lighting thundered furiously in the clouds as the wind picked up, Gohan gulped nervously as he continued watching the storm. Piccolo grit his teeth knowing what this meant. [i][color=00a99d]'so they finally used the dragon balls to wish Goku back...'[/color][/i] Piccolo's eye's widened suddenly as realisation hit him making him let out a gasp. [i][color=00a99d]'Which Means The Saiyans Are Going To Be Here Sooner That I Expected!'[/color][/i] Piccolo thought with grim worry, completely forgetting the power levels he had picked up on earlier. [u][b]Somewhere in the forest near Central Capital[/b][/u] [a few dozen minutes before the dragon balls were used] In the middle of a dense forest a light began to shine brightly just about the forest floor, scarring away the local wild life. After a few seconds the light faded away, and in it's place was Majin Eve who was resting on the grassy ground. A good minute passed by before she began to stir. [color=pink]"ough... what... happened?..."[/color] She asked herself as she pushed herself up into a sitting position before rubbing her eye's. [color=pink]"my head hurts..."[/color] After rubbing her eye's she looked around as she got to her feet. A look of confusion was apparent on her as she stood still. [color=pink]"where am I?... that last thing I remember is..."[/color] A pained expression grew on her as she put a hand to her head and rubbed it. [color=pink]"I... don't know..."[/color] Majin Eve frowned as she lowered her hand as she chose a random direction and began walking. A thunderous boom resonated through the air causing Majin Eve to look up and through the open areas between the trees, she caught the sight of a furious looking storm heading her way. [color=pink]"I don't like the feel of this... I guess I should just keep going..."[/color] She said to herself as she continued walking through the forest. [u][b]Near were Roshi fought the Demon King Piccolo[/b][/u] [a couple of minutes prior to the dragon balls being used] All was quite around the lake, all except for the sound of snoring that was coming from the sleeping form of a girl who was resting atop the rock formation looming over the lake. The girl had just appeared out of thin air, completely out cold and has been for a few minutes. The girl let out a yawn as she rolled over, that yawn was quickly followed by the panicked cries of the girl as she woke up to herself falling off the rock, a final yell of surprise rang out before the sound of the girl smashing into the water rang out, small ripples assaulted the lakes sandy beach moment later. Bubbles began to breach the surface of the water before the girl who fell in exploded out of the lakes surface with a livid look, a faint aura around her evaporating the water from her clothes. [color=crimson]"That Was Not Funny Old Man!"[/color] Amber exclaimed as she looked around furiously for her teacher, only to find that he wasn't there, she had guessed he knocked her out somehow and wanted to see how she reacted when she fell in the water. [color=crimson]"..... okay... the jokes over, where are you?"[/color] She asked in a serious tone as she hovered down to the beach, landing on it's shore while taking in her surroundings. After a few moments of silence Amber began to feel uneasy. [color=crimson]"... something's not right here... where am I?..."[/color] Amber asked aloud before she jumped back into the air, getting over the tree tops before looking around. A pit formed in the bottom of her stomach as she didn't see any land marks she knew, mainly the large kingdom that was her home, the top of the palace could be seen for miles, even if that was out of sight it was at the base of a massive mountain, and there was no maintain in sight. [color=crimson]"okay... I'm lost..."[/color] She summed up in a slightly worried tone, it was then she heard the attention demanding boom of thunder in the distance. [color=crimson]"and it's going to rain... great..."[/color] Amber said a little spitefully as she set off in a random direction to try and find the peak of the her homes mountain. Although she chose to fly away from the approaching storm, she just couldn't seem to outrun it as it unnaturally sped across the sky, spreading darkness over the land as the storm raged on above. To Ambers surprise, confusion and slight joy the storm refused to let down an unrelenting rain of... rain, unlike every thunderstorm she had ever seen, it was weird but she wasn't going to complain less she was to jinx herself. Both Majin Eve and Amber continued on their own ways, not knowing what this new world had in store for them.