[b]Name:[/b] Chamber R. Wesson [b]Location:[/b] Logue Town - Guard Post - Headed to the Gun Shop [b]Mentions:[/b] Nose Ring [hr] Turning Nose Ring into the guard post had been too easy, and he might had not believed it to be that simple until the Post Steward finished counting out his bounty. Just hearing every coin clink into the coin bag had put a smile on Chamber’s face. [i]I was expecting to have to fight a room full of thugs to get to this guy. It’s a good thing that there were some diversions in the area,[/i] the rifleman mused. “There, 50,000 beli,” came the Post Steward. He slid the fat money purse across the counter and Chamber snatched it up, pressing the bag to his cheek as he nuzzled it like a kitten. “Don’t spend it all in one place.” Shouldering his rifle, Chamber gave the fakest and the most heroic-sounding of laughs. “Oh, I know where I’m going to spend this. Don’t you worry old man.” Chamber left the post with a cheerful sway in his stride and head as though he had a cheerful tune in his head: [i]Guns, grog, and wenches; guns, grog, and wenches; guns, grog, and wenches—WHAT! Guns grog, and wenches—OKAY![/i] It sounded like some modern rap song. It didn’t take much to make one now a days. He was heading straight for the Gun Store. He always made more money trading his old projects for fresh new materials and parts. Being a bounty hunter wore them down quick and so he was in the market for sturdier equipment.