[quote=@The Kid Lantern] [@Jinny] Jester is just a character that could still be a bit of anything, however he was mentioned as being the leader of the Jokerz in the OP. I wasn't sure if one of the GM's already had plans set for the Jokerz and the Jester, but if not they play a big part in my guy's story and I'd still like to flesh out the gang's leader even if it's not for a secondary character spot. It's still a sandbox and anybody could use him... I just want to actually define who he is and what he's about. The only Jester from DC I can think of has ties to the Golden Age and more recently became a villain against the Freedom Fighters but I doubt it's the same guy... ~KL~ [/quote] Toss a group PM to me, [@Ruby], and the villains storyteller [@LePouvantail].