I hope you don't mind if I have multiple characters! I order of those who I do want to the ones I'm okay with not having. [b]Name[/b]: Ntaaj [b]Age[/b]: 27 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Physical Appearance[/b]: [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9tmkfem.jpg[/img] A healthy, bearded young man. Despite his savagery he keeps himself well groomed and has minimal scarring, though he does have one notable scar running down his right face. He holds this scar with pride however, as it marked him as properly "Bloodied" when he first did battle. He notably smells quiet pleasant most of the time, taking the effort to wash himself regularly and even use scented soaps if he has the money for it. Some think this makes him pointlessly feminine, but most have learned to respect his hygiene choices, or they won't live to regret their ignorance. [/center] [b]Backstory[/b]: Ntaaj was born to nomads in the Khergit Khanate, though you wouldn't be wrong to consider them roaming bandits instead. The men and women in his clan were no strangers to war and would often battle against rival nomad clans, or even raid villages if they are held by enemies of the clan. As such, Ntaaj was raised like any other steppe child, learning how to ride horses and do war. He learned to throw spears and shoot a bow from the back of horses as just as well as he could on his own two feet. But as he grew into an adult, he never truly felt kinship for his clan. After his mother passed due to illness and his father was killed in battle, Ntaaj took to hunting to make ends meet, though truthfully he only did this instead of join an army because he did not find anyone worth fighting for. Soon enough his clan, after loosing many warriors, submitted to Sanjar Khan, the leader of the Khergit Khanate. Ntaaj's hunting turned into poaching, and soon after he was branded a criminal for the simple act of killing a rabbit in the forest of the Khan. Ntaaj was forced into banditry as he was chased by authorities, eventually finding himself working for a growing horde of barbarians. It was here that Ntaaj properly honed his skills in battle: his first fight he found himself in, his camp was ambushed by Khergit soldiers. With nothing but the clothes on his back and a sword he was given, he fought the enemy until there was none left standing. He lost many allies, but in the end he was one of the few survivors of the ambush. Here he found his taste for war, and after looting the dead, began to make something of a name for himself in the lands of the Khergit. He remained a bandit up until the top leaders were captured, where he then turned to mercenary work after leaving the lands of the Khanate. Ntaaj has very little renown outside the Khanate, but those from those lands may be familiar with his infamy. Most famously, Ntaaj once managed to ambush a general of the Khergit Khanate, holding him hostage long enough for Ntaaj to flee into the lands of the Vaegirs. Ntaaj is also known for his uncommon dual-wielding style, utilizing two nomad sabers. He's skilled in this form of combat even on horseback. And like any warrior from the steppe, he's quite skilled with horseback riding and archery. He's decent with throwing weapons as well, mostly javelins. [b]Personality[/b]: Ntaaj is uneducated and can be a vicious fighter, but in more peaceful settings he can come across as quiet refined, almost noble. He is honorable enough for a bandit and often knows better than to draw steel for every encounter, preferring to trying not to cause trouble everywhere he goes. He personally prefers the luxuries of wealth, such as fine wine, delicious meat, and bathing. That being said, don't mistake his decadence for weakness: he's earned his wealth through warfare, and as a warrior he would show no mercy to his enemies. He does not take prisoners even if he can ransom them: barring very rare exceptions, a battle against Ntaaj is a battle to the death. He will not tolerate having an enemy who still lives, and if you somehow managed to escape a fight from him alive, he will stop at nothing to make sure that you will never face him again. [b]Equipment[/b]: [hider=Weapons] [i]Nomad Sabres[/i] - A pair of twin swords meant to be used on horseback. They are designed to be able to provide maximum damage on the back of a charging horse, but these curve swords are no less deadly on foot. Ntaaj is skilled in using both, one in each hand, whether he is mounted or fighting on foot. When using both blades he can become a storm of slashes, overwhelming a foe with furious blows that only the strongest of armor and the thickest of shields can withstand. However while using both swords, Ntaaj lacks the defensive advantage of a shield. Thus he much more reliant on dodging, speed, and his own armor to survive a fight. [i]Lance[/i] - A long spear meant to be used on horseback. Simple, yet effective, a couched lance could pierce even plate mail at great speeds. Ntaaj is also quite familiar with using the lance as an anti-cavalry weapon, impaling those who would ride towards him on the tip of his lance before their own lances could pierce him. [i]Hunting Bow[/i] - A simple bow used for hunting game. While certainly capable of killing a man, it lacks the strength to send arrows to penetrate most metal armors. Best used for it's intended purpose than dedicated warfare. Ntaaj uses a quiver of bog standard arrows as well.[/hider] [hider=Armor/Clothing] [i]Fur Covered Shield[/i] - A large shield made of wood, bound with fur, with Ntaaj's personal emblem painted on it. Provides quite a bit of cover, handy when Ntaaj is using his lance against archers, but it's a still just a cheaply made shield of common wood and lightly treated hide. [i]Ragged Lamellar Vest[/i] - A lamellar vest that provides Ntaaj decent protection with minimal body restriction, perfect for his agile dual-wielding style. That being said, Ntaaj's current armor has obviously been looted from someone who died wearing it, and it's damaged plates and crude repairs is a sure sign that it's nearing the end of it's career. [i]Tribal Warrior's Outfit[/i] - An outfit consisting of thick fur and hide boots, gloves, jacket, and trousers. Better to protect against cold weather than cold steel, nonetheless there is a thick enough padding that it would at least take some effort to cut through it with a knife. A proper sword or axe should have no trouble going though it, assuming they don't have to cut through the Lamellar Vest above.[/hider] [hider=Misc] [i]Dried meat[/i] - About 15 pounds worth of dried meat. Ntaaj has recently procured this after stealing and butchering a farm's pig. [i]Stubborn Steppe Horse[/i] - A decent horse Ntaaj found while in Vaegirs. And by found, he actually stole this horse after cutting it loose from it's post. Because of his sudden procurement, the horse is quite stubborn and refuses Ntaaj's directions at time. While he's mostly managed to keep it under his control, Ntaaj is certain that given the chance, the horse would run away and leave him for dead. He's almost certain that if the horse was capable of it, it may even stab him in the back. It's at least war trained, so it doesn't hesitate to charge into a fight since it's chances of dying is as good as Ntaaj's if it doesn't fight at it's best. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Amelia of the Axe][b]Name[/b]: Amelia of the Axe [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Physical Appearance[/b]: [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5UEnwuF.jpg[/img] (Ignore the dragon) Amelia is, by some standards, a beautiful young woman with the body of a warrior. She is hardly soft nor gentle, with skin as tough as stones and a body made to break them. Oft mocked for her rather small breast, those who dare do so will shortly regret it as an axe is lodged into their skulls. Despite growing up a fighter, her body has minimal scarring, as she takes care of her injuries well enough that they leave no long-lasting marks. Tends to keep her hair short enough that it cannot be pulled whilst underneath her helmet.[/center] [b]Backstory[/b]: Amelia was born in the Kingdom of the Nords, in it's capital of Sargoth. Her father was a warrior who fought since he was a boy, but despite that he loved his daughter dearly and treated her as if she was his son. Even after her little brother was born, she was still given preferential treatment by her father, who trained her in his ways rather than let Amelia become a seamstress like her mother was. She often served as her father's page, learning not only the ways of combat, but of how to act in the presence of fellow warriors and nobility. While her father was, for all intents and purposes, a mercenary, he was honorable and loyal to his patrons. If he weren't born as a mere villager and was instead a noble, he would have been a knight. As Amelia approached womanhood, her mother urged her to refine her ways so that she may become a proper wife, but Amelia was more interested in continuing her father's warrior ways. Soon her father retired for the life of a warrior, growing far too old to continue to fight. Amelia's brother, now old enough to be a man himself, chose to become a merchant who used his father's extensive connections to make a profitable business through the coasts of the Nords. His sister Amelia volunteered to be a protector of his caravans, which proved most useful as looters and other bandits would try to attack the caravan. but Amelia proved her strength in these battles, but also learned the hardships of combat. She often spent more time treating her own wounds than she did fighting, but after a few years she's learned how to both cut off a man's arm and make sure that the injury wouldn't kill him. As her brother's business became more successful, he had little need of his sister's protection as he could afford more guards of greater skill. Having always resenting his sister for having their father's favor, he eventually removed her from the family and forced her into the streets with nothing more than the clothes on her back. Angry and spiteful, she was considering killing her brother out of revenge. But as luck would have it, the day she was thrown out from the household, there was a tournament in Sargoth. Nobles from all around came to both watch and participate, and Amelia would use this chance to make her won fortunes. She entered the competition as a Sword Sister, using her knowledge of combat to make it through the preliminaries, and her wound treating skills to ensure she was fighting at her best. While she failed to win the tournament, the bets she made was enough to allow her to purchase some gear and begin her life as a mercenary. [b]Personality[/b]: Boisterous and confrontational, Amelia is more manly than most men. She relishes in a challenge and shows little fear against instrumental odds, either coming out on top or at least giving a good show. That being said, she can be rather aggressive as she doesn't wish to be seen as a meek or demure woman in a man's land. She personally distaste most men who think of treating her as woman, even if they only mean to do so chivalrously. That being said, she at least can understand the intentions if they're present, and simply requests that they stop treating her as if she was a dainty flower. Amelia herself can be hard to impress, and like any woman can be quite scornful. However she does not get revenge through petty gossip or pranks, but with steel to skulls. She can be blunt and strait forward with anyone from the king himself to a grieving widow. That being said, she can be oddly gentle and understanding to those she likes, more so if she is treating your injuries. Surprising some, Amelia is also literate and likes reading, and understands mathematics well enough to basic multiplication and division. Mostly just to ensure that no merchant tries to short change her. [b]Equipment[/b]: [hider=Weapons] [i]Falchion[/i] - A short, chopping sword that Amelia picked out from a gang of looters. Not too impressive, but a decent sidearm. [i]Great Bardiche[/i] - The reason why she's called "Amelia of the Axe". This hefty weapon has been known to split shields and skulls in equal measure. It was the first weapon Amelia brought when she left home, and she's been using it since. A bit worn and nicked, regardless it's still a deadly weapon. She affectionately calls it "Mistress". [/hider] [hider=Armor/Clothing] [i]Rusty Coat of Plate[/i] - A protective coat of metal plates that cover Amelia's entire torso, arms, and even past her waist. However the plates are thin, weak, and rusted, and on the verge and breaking to a solid blow. They can block blades and arrows decently enough, but a solid blunt blow would go through with little trouble. [i]Old Nordic Helmet[/i] - The helmet belonging to Amelia's father. Her mother gave it to her before she left Sargoth. Her father was planning on giving it to his son if he should ever go to war, but figures that his son would never be a warrior like Amelia is. Though blacken due to battle, this old helmet still holds up to heavy blows and strikes. A bit smaller than Amelia expected though. [i]Red Tunic[/i] - Just some simple clothes to maintain Amelia's modesty when out of armor. Comes with trousers and leather shoes. [i]Battered Gauntlets and Iron Boots[/i] - Old iron bits of armor. May have been masterwork in their prime, but may as well be remade into cooking ware now. Still, better than nothing. [i]Wooden Shield[/i] - A plain but thick wooden round shield, with metal bindings for added strength. Rarely used except in situation where her bardiche isn't recommended. [/hider] [hider=Misc] [i]Bread[/i] - 20 pounds worth of tasteless, long-lasting bread. Always dry and makes lots of crumbs, but it won't mold and even bugs won't touch it. [i]Honey[/i] - A five pound mason jar of sweet, golden deliciousness. Often spread on Amelia's bread to provide a touch of flavor. Occasionally used to treat wounds. [i]Ox[/i] - A strong and hearty sow Amelia received after helping a village with their bandit problem. Amelia uses it to carry her belongings. His name is Mork. [i]Dog[/i] - Some sort of hunting dog Amelia found while hunting in a forest. From the wounds she guessed that it was attacked by bandits, so she nursed it back to health. Afterwards it started following her around. Capable of hunting for it's own food or tearing out a man's throat. She mostly uses it as a guard dog to protect her while she slept or watch the ox. Amelia calls him Wulf (Even though he's quite obviously a dog).[/hider][/hider] [hr] [hider=Donnic]Name: Donnic the Footpad Age: 15 Gender: Male Physical Apperance: [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4muOJhE.jpg[/img] A young man with Kharnate features, he was nonetheless born and raised in Swadia. Muscular and lean, while his body might not have strength, it does have speed. Some fear him due to his red eyes, though he has no idea what they would think he's evil solely because of that. Though it doesn't help that he's a thief regardless. [/center] Backstory: Born to the father of a thief who was executed after a robbery gone wrong, Donnic was left as a street urchin for much of his early life. He ended up joining a gang of children who eventually simply became a gang of thugs, getting into brawls with students at universities or rival gangs. Donnic himself took mostly to petty thievery rather than bloodshed, but wouldn't hesitate to cut you with his knife if you had to. Eventually his skills getting around locks and cages actually made him into a good locksmith, and once he found a proper smith who would take him as an apprentice he became a blacksmith. However his gang made it clear that leaving them for a regular life wasn't an option. After they torched down the smithy he worked at, Donnic was forced to go on the run for his own safety and for those around him. Personality: Donnic is a roguish sort who'd lie, trick, and cheat to get his way. Yet at the same time, he can be dashing, witty, and even respectful of others. While he ultimately watches out only for himself he does his best not to damn others into a bad spot, though he certainly will if he feels like they deserve it. Rather cowardly, he would never fend for himself if he could just run away instead, and only fights if he knows he'll win (Like if he has back up). That being said, Donnic knows many unscrupulous people that he calls friends, such as slavers. While he'd never just kidnap a person to sell them into slavery, he has little issues putting his enemies into chains, and he isn't just threatening when he says he'll make you into a slave if you anger him. Equipment: [hider=Weapons] [i]Dagger[/i] - A fighting knife Donnic managed to take with him before he was ran out of Swadia. An emergency weapon when he has nothing else. He can throw it with good accuracy, but he only has one. [i]Hatchet[/i] - A wooden cutting axe Donnic stole from a farmer. Could split heads as well as armor and is Donnic's secondary weapon to defend himself with. [i]Boar Spear[/i] - Yet another weapon Donnic stole during his escape from Swadia. Took this from a hunter who was butchering his game. Donnic's main weapon to defend himself with, and if need be, he can knock out someone with the shaft so he can tie them up and sell them into slavery.[/hider] [hider=Armor/Clothes] [i]Tattered Green Tunic[/i] - Donnic left Swadia with nothing but the clothes on his back and the knife in his possession, and only his knife made it out unscathed. He lost most of his clothes in the fire, and currently has to go on with what little he has, plus footwraps. [/hider] [hider=Misc] [i]Tools[/i] - Smithy tools Donnic stole as he was fleeing Swadia. When thievery is too risky a venture for income, he can use these tools to help upkeep weapons and armor. Donnic also has lock smithing tools to fix or bypass locks. [i]Sausage[/i] - Sausage links Donnic stole (He may have a problem) from a butcher's shop. Has ten pounds of the stuff and is running out quickly.[/hider][/hider]