[b]Name:[/b] Fenrir-O (quadruped form) [b]Location:[/b] In the Forest about Korin's Tower [b]Mentions:[/b] N/A [hr] The forest was alive with whispers as a cool breeze passed through the foliage. At the base of the vegetation, lying on its side on the grassy, leaf-strewn earth was a gray wolf. His triangular ear flicked as soft snores left his muzzle. He had seemed so peaceful until a pack of feral wolves bounded from the brush to halt before him. The Alpha backed up in surprise, looking a little startled to see a lone wolf asleep in the forest. His wet nose wiggled as his nostrils inspected the scent that the creature gave off and soon his snout wrinkled for he did not recognize the beast. He was alien to the woods that were watched by the great tower that stretched into the heavens. The Alpha snarled and his pack echoed his feelings about the stranger. Their hackles raised and their tongues flicked as they glared at him. With a snort, the gray wolf slowly opened his eyes and peered at the beasts that suddenly surrounded him. The wolf was nonchalant, hardly bothered by the nosy creatures. Rolling onto his belly, his mouth opened wide as a yawn whistled from him before he shook his head. Rising to sit upon his haunches, Fenrir-O currently in his quadruped form, regarded the pack. [color=00aeef]“Am I interrupting something?”[/color] he asked before he glanced about the woods. The air smelt foreign to him. These weren’t the woods about his hermit hovel. [color=00aeef]“…where am I?”[/color] “You’re trespassing on War Paw territory,” the Alpha growled. “Who are you? Why are you here? Are you a spy or have you abandoned your pack?” [color=00aeef]“My name is Fenrir-O. I am a Beastman, and I don’t know how I got here. Last I remember, I was taking a nap inside my home, but now I’m here…I’m not known to sleepwalk…”[/color] He bowed his head in contemplation. “A Beastman? You mean one of those humanoid freaks?” Fenrir-O frowned. [color=00aeef]“If my presence offends you that much, then perhaps I should leave.”[/color] Fenrir-O rose and turned to walk away from the pack when two beta wolves cut him off. The gray wolf’s ears flicked forward and his tail stiffened threateningly. “We can’t let you do that. Not without sending you back from whence you came with a message.” The gray wolf eyed the wolves with his blue and stark-white eyes. [color=00aeef]“I do not want to fight, but if I must, I warn you. I will hurt you—all of you.”[/color] The Alpha wolf lowered his head and bore his fangs in a vicious snarl. “You can try freak! War Paws attack!” Fenrir-O crouched low with a snarl as the first two wolves lunged at him simultaneously. He then reared back on his haunches, jaws opening to catch the first wolf right beneath his jaw. Standing on his hind-paws, the second wolf watched with his jaw falling open in shock as the gray wolf hefted the first wolf off the ground and slammed him. Releasing the wolf’s neck, Fenrir-O whirled to face the stunned second wolf, his right paw rising before he slapped it down on the top of the second wolf’s skull. The strength behind the slap sent the wolf’s head impacting the earth. Dead leaves and loose grass erupted about the wolf who immediately went limp in unconsciousness. As his paw returned to the ground, Fenrir-O turned his head to glance back at the remaining gawking wolves. He felt that he had demonstrated that he wasn’t their average stray. The wolves were shaking and the Alpha was at a loss for words. Fenrir-O figured that he would make it easy for them and walk off. The wolf ventured into the forest in the direction of the strange tower that he had seen. He didn’t know what he would find there, but it was a good start.