[center][h3]Khan Elesia[/h3][/center] A sigh escaped from the Khan's lips. This was worse than she thought. Raze saying that he was better at offense than he was a defense wasn't naming a weakness. Not the way he said it. Neither was the part he muttered about waiting being frustrating. Elesia made a mental note to watch her own back and not rely on him to do so. What was frustrating for her was the fact that he seemed oblivious to the stranger in the bushes. "Were you dropped on your head as a baby?" Elesia asked, not even thinking about what she was saying before the words left her lips. She had been wondering that for a while. It could explain Raze entirely. He just seemed like the type that wasn't all there. Not that Elesia was claiming to be in the slightest. Their journey continued until night fell, with Elesia keeping a careful eye on the stranger at all times. She didn't know what he was doing, or why he was following them. But Elesia had learned the hard that people who followed others in the shadows, especially Khans and/or women, were never good. The moment they did anything suspicious, Elesia would confront them, but not a moment beforehand. Once night fell, her and Raze found a place to set up camp, and soon they had a fire going. That's when Sneaky McStalker decided to finally show his face, pretending to be a traveler. Elesia stood up from her position on the ground and stepped between the stranger and Raze, hoping the champion got the message to let her deal with it. Her right hand casually rested on the hilt of her blade, a thinly veiled threat. "Finally decided to show yourself, eh?" She said with narrowed and untrusting eyes. "What business do you have stalking a Khan like that? Talk fast or I introduce you to my weight loss program, it's amazing how much lighter you'll feel when your guts are outside of your body instead of inside." Despite the fact that the thought of freshly cooked game was making her hungry, Elesia's eyes never moved from the stranger's. Never one did she even glance at the deer he had slung over his shoulder. Explanation first, food later.