Macy nodded, somewhat sagely, when she heard what had caused Tim's newest injury. It sounded about the same as last time, although this time it didn't seem nearly as bad. At least he hadn't been dumped in an alley and as far as she could see his only serious injury this time was his on his face. She left the room briefly, ducking into her bedroom to fetch a bag of medical supplies before returning. The two men were arguing, Tim was getting agitated, and Macy definitely didn't need this right now. Especially if the fighting started to get loud. The last thing she needed was a neighbor knocking on the door. "You, stop talking," she said to Tim in a voice she hadn't used since working with the kids at the hospital in Miami. She knelt down next to him, setting her bag down and sweeping her hair back behind her neck with a graceful motion and securing it with a band. "You," she said behind her to the other man, "If this is bad and I need to reset his nose I'm going to need your help holding him down, because I don't have anesthesia." Macy opened her bag and got to work. It shouldn't become a habit, patching Emergents up on her couch, but it was the closest she had come to providing medical care in a year, and she missed it. She checked his heartbeat, his eyes reactions to light, his blood pressure, and his reactions before looking at his nose. At one point she reaching behind hr and held out a towel, asking the second man to dampen it with warm water to clean the blood off of his face. "Sorry Tim, this isn't going to tickle," she said apologetically as she carefully started cleaning his face of blood so he could see his nose better. It actually improved tremendously, and Macy let herself settle. It was looking less likely that his bone had been displaced, which was a blessing. She could reset it, but it could get loud if she had to. "You know," she started as she carefully dabbed more blood away, "A little warning would be nice next time, Tim. Before you just show up at my door bleeding half to death." She glanced behind her at the other man, studying his aura for a moment. She was still trying to figure out what all of the colors meant, but as far as she could see there was no warning sign in his. Plus the gold was a comfort. At least he was an fellow Emergent. " would be nice to get a head's up if you're bringing a friend over. Didn't I give you my number last time?" She set the bloody towel down and checked his nose again. No displacement. Thank God for small miracles. Only ice for right now and any kind of pain killer she could dig out of her bag. "You got lucky this time, my friend. Hey," she said to the other man, holding out a fresh towel, "Fill this with ice from the freezer? Please?"