Rebeca’s eyes followed the other Avatar until he passed from view, then brought her attention back to Mihkail and Maya. Vuduin might consider a hug sufficient, but she did not; one day, she would repay that debt, and until then she would be sure to keep an eye out for that opportunity. [color=crimson][i]Speaking of debts…[/i][/color] Her eyes narrowed as she took in the patches on the two Pokemon, [color=crimson][i]I still owe somebody a beating for this. What happened?[/i][/color] Mihkail snorted. [color=e25822][i]That Tantalus fellow. I was looking for you, figured those two big explosions were connected. When I got there, you were on the ground, and he was doing something to you.[/i][/color] He glanced to the side. [color=e25822][i]Things… escalated from there, and I got shot in the head. Next thing I remember is waking up in here.[/i][/color] His gaze returned to hers, and she could tell that he was in no way apologizing. [color=e25822][i]He threatened to kill you once. I wasn’t going to give him the opportunity.[/i][/color] For a long moment, Rebeca remained silent, though the air did heat up a fair bit. [i][color=crimson]He is going to die.[/color] [color=e25822]He will. He’s also dangerous.[/color][/i] A soft rumble came from Mihkail’s throat. [i][color=e25822]We need to be smart about this.[/color][/i] Sighing, Rebeca nodded and leaned against the bed. [i][color=crimson]Yeah. Just being able to take him isn’t going to be good enough. We have to wreck him.[/color][/i] She winced, pressing her hand to her stomach. [color=crimson][i]And I’m not in the best shape right now.[/i][/color] “You should be in bed.” Rebeca’s head jerked up as a nurse came into the room, seizing her arm and inspecting it closely. “Avatar or not, you had some very serious injuries. And you certainly shouldn’t be tearing out IV’s.” The nurse glared up at her. “What if you had broken off the needle in your arm? Hmm?” Rebeca had been in a lot of fights over her life. She had once broken her hand because she made the mistake of punching Jimmy Farrow, who had been four years older than her at the time, in the forehead. When she was eight she had passed out after insisting on fighting Jeremiah Berkan and his entire gang at once (one of the few fights that she was still proud of winning). A little over a year ago she had had to stuff her guts back into herself after accidentally getting between an Ursaring and Teddiursa. In precisely none of those situations had she been remotely frightened. Cautious, certainly. And the hallucinations from that last injury getting infected had not been fun at all. But frightened? No. But staring down at the short nurse holding her arm, only one thought was going through her mind: [color=crimson][i]Damn, she’s scary.[/i][/color] “[color=crimson]Uuuh…[/color]” The nurse huffed and went back to looking her over. “Well, since you’re on your feet, you must be feeling better. Your injuries look much better as well.” Ignoring the mocking chuckles that echoed in her head, Rebeca scratched her neck, uncertain how to process this. “[color=crimson]Um, yeah.[/color]” “Well, I’d still like for Dr. Adams to look you over, and you’ll still have to fill out some paperwork, but otherwise, there shouldn’t be any other reason for you to stay here.” She glared up at the avatar again. “Provided you don’t get blown up by another Golem.” [color=e25822][i]I’m sorry, what?[/i][/color] Rebeca winced. [i][color=crimson]Awe, crap.[/color] [color=e25822]You got what by a WHAT?[/color][/i] Sighing, Rebeca rubbed her eyes. [i][color=crimson]Really wish she hadn’t said that. Look, can we talk about this later?[/color][/i] “[color=crimson]I’ll remember that for next time.[/color]” The nurse gave her a slightly concerned look, her eyes flicking between the avatar and the Rhyhorn who now bore what could have been a very reproachful expression, then turned to leave. “By the way, a girl had dropped off a backpack, said she thought it was yours. It’s in your room.” Rebeca nodded and followed her out, keenly aware of the glare Mihkail was giving her. Sure enough, her backpack was sitting in the corner of her room, and she immediately began rifling through it. Since she had burned up her previous set of clothes (and she had actually liked that shirt), all she was left with now was a light jacket and a pair of climbing shorts. Apparently she needed to go on a little shopping trip. [hr] Emerging from the elevator (Maya comfortably ensconced in her backpack), Rebeca stepped out into the lobby, grimacing. [i][color=crimson]Are you going to glare at me like that all day?[/color] [color=e25822]Until you explain the whole “got blown up by a Golem” bit.[/color] [color=crimson]Uuugh. He was going to explode anyway! I just made sure he didn’t blow up everything![/color] [color=e25822]You’re still an idiot! You don’t go and get yourself blown up![/color] [color=crimson]Mihkaaail. You’re making this a bigger deal then it actually is.[/color] [color=e25822]No, I think I’m making this exactly the right size of deal that it is. And the deal is that you are an idiot![/color][/i] Rolling her eyes, Rebeca shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket and headed off, Mihkail following her. [color=crimson][i]And you’re a stubborn stone-head.[/i][/color] There was just no arguing with her brother. And, if she was being honest with herself, she knew why he was angry with her. Getting blown up hadn’t been the smartest idea, but it had seemed like the best thing to do at the time, and there hadn’t been a lot of that to think with. She was still alive, still walking around, so she wasn’t going to waste time worrying about it. Hearing a commotion, she paused and looked around, spying the crowd nearby. [i][color=crimson]Huh. Wonder what that is about.[/color][/i] Mihkail came to stop behind her, following her gaze. [i][color=e25822]I don’t know.[/color][/i] He glared up at her. [i][color=e25822]You’re still an idiot though.[/color] [color=crimson]Yeah, yeah, sure.[/color][/i] Rebeca sighed, rubbing her head again. [i][color=crimson]Well, they’re between us and the door. Guess we have to go through them.[/color][/i] [@Eklispe][@Salrynn][@Zanavy]