[h1][color=00aeef]Georgina Reese [/color][/h1] [center][b]8:00 [/b][/center] Georgina was up an hour ago, she rarely slept in. Not that she had left her room yet, par a quick trip to the bathroom but that hardly counted she'd protest. Instead the youngest Reese child lay sprawled upon her bed on her stomach in a very unladylike fashion. Next to her sat a book, partially open, however, Georgina's attention had been drawn to her phone which she had been using to scroll through her e-mails. She really needed to check them more often, not that there was anything noteworthy in her inbox. With a sigh Georgina gave a sigh, locking her phone and shoving it to the side only to turn toward the opposing wall. Posters hid marks and even a couple of cracks that she had made soon after her parent's death, when she couldn't hold her feelings in. She eyed her floor lazily. It looked like crap, school books from the school year just gone made themself present on her floor alongside cups, shoes, dirty clothes andeven a few guitar picks. Her eyes then found themselves falling on her guitar, one of her (if not the) biggest comforters. Oh how she longed to play it, however, it was too early, she wluld wake the house up and she was not in the mood to be snapped at. Instead she plugged her headphones into her phone and pressed 'play' on her music collection before diving into her book. [center][b]10am-ish [/b][/center] Ugh! Time had escaped her! It couldn't have been so late already but no matter how many times she locked and unlocked her phone the time stayed stubbornly at quarter to ten. she even went online to check that her phone wasn't out of whack and found the time was still quarter to 10 (well, a couple of minutes more). How could have so much time flown in what felt like minutes! It seem it had and Georgina hadn't heard any of it, the car pulling up to thw driveway, the closing of the door, James cooking pancakes, the chatter. All of it. She slips her headphones off her head and frantically leaps of her bed, changing into a pair of short white shorts and a blue top in a frenzy. Finally she emerges from her room and makes her way downstairs. With each step she could hear chattering voices more clearly than the last. When she reaches the floor she makes quick work of scouting out her oldest sister who was standing by the door. All manners being pushed aside to wait for her sister to finish at the door Georgina attacks her sister with a large bear hug as she cheers [color=00aeef]"Happy Birthday Sophi!"[/color] that was when she looked up to see their neighbour, [color=00aeef]"Good morning Jerry!"[/color] she greeted him in her usual cheeriness, unwrapping her arms from her sister's waist. She then turned to the blonde woman. She seemed familiar... oh, right! She teaches at Millington High, not that Georgina had had her as a teacher. What was her name though? Georgina attempted to draw the woman's name from her mind. Failing to do so, though, she resorted to a [color=00aeef]"Good Morning Miss,"[/color] before taking a step away from the awkward scene. She turns to complement James on the lovely smell of pancakes wafting from the kitchen before she noticed Kylie. Wait. Kylie? That couldn't be right! Kylie was in a mental asylum, right? But she wasn't, she was there. Georgina blinked a few times yet the image of her sister was still before her. Unsure as to what she should say or do Georgina just watched Kylie awkwardly for the moment. [color=00aeef]"Kylie?"[/color] she said in the form of a somewhat greeting, somewhat question. She then ran the short distance to her sister and wrapped her arms around her. [@The Muse][@lovely complex][@BlueAjah][@Themerlinhawk][@Saint Girralo][@Snagglepuss89][@Viciousmarrow]