"Patience, Brother," Dominous stepped forward from the corpse of the fallen Wolf, his genetic remnant stored securely in the Apothecary's care. Despite all that had occured, Dominous kept his mind focused and clear- though the thought of heretics weighted heavily upon the back of his mind. Even now, he wondered if the blight of his chapter had followed them here, forever cursed to hunt those who had fallen from the Emperor's grace. Still, the man would shake his head, his gaze focusing on the Librarian. "I stand by my previous assessment, even with the new development. Let the Son of Russ take point and report back his findings. We still have the body of his fallen Chapter-brother to attend to." Dominous added knowingly, glancing back to the corpse that had been spattered by the blood from the eviscerated xeno from before, "I have extracted his holy seed, but still his body sits idle amongst filth. We have a chance to properly dispose of the body, as well as tend to the wounds we have sustained- superficial as they might be."