[center][img]http://s32.postimg.org/yqf27ep11/b75332fa7873c8bc027266760221257783f71079.jpg[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=0099ff]Kasumi Mizuno[/color][/center][/h3] Kasumi was silent as the other teams arrived, taking the time to figure out what she could from just listening and watching the other chunin and jonin. She knew right away that the cat-boy was going to annoy her with that kind of whining. She hated unpleasant sounds to a fault and his mouth was certainly unpleasant. She kept her peace about it for now. There was no point in getting anything started with any of other teams. They were here to work together. Sutemasu spoke up and Kasumi devoted her attention to her sensei, smiling somewhat at her reference to Minaru as a girl. She listened closely to the explanation of the mission and didn't waste time when Sutemasu took off, calling for them to go. They didn't take long to arrive at their destination, but the mist made her worry. Even Sutemasu had to say something about being careful with visibility. The last thing that needed to happen was the teams accidentally killing each other. Even still, she followed her sensei off the cliff, focusing her chakra at her feet to cushion the fall. Once she and the rest of her team were successfully on the water is when they proceeded. She jumped after Sutemasu - even though it was hard to see - but thankfully, the vision on the other side was more bearable. She didn't particulary need perfect vision for what she could do, but it certainly helped if she wanted to direct her chakra specifically to allies. The worst thing that could happen would be to give the enemy a boost and her team a handicap. The team of five crept quietly further into the warehouse, until six shinobi were visible. They all had their backs turned, thankfully, and it seemed that hadn't been alerted to their presence yet. All of that changed very quickly when Sutemasu went for the shinobi utilizing his lava release to melt the ore. All six were alerted to the presence of the team, but one was currently being handled by Sutemasu to a point where he probably wouldn't remember anything after this was done. Swallowing her fear, she glanced at her team members. [color=0099ff]"Get ready."[/color] She stated clearly, before seemingly going on a suicide mission, grabbing her harp off of her back and rushing towards the shinobi that were headed in their direction. It seemed that each shinobi had chosen a team member while the extra had gone back to try to assist his brethren with Sutemasu. Kasumi narrowly dodged kunai and senbon that were thrown her way, undoubtedly tipped with poison. She only needed to get into a certain position for just a moment and... She landed close to Sutemasu, near the middle of the room where he jutsu would, hopefully, affect every enemy shinobi. It wouldn't be the greatest thing to ever happen, but it might just give her team members the step up they needed, considering they were outnumbered. She knew very well she would have to move and play - something she wasn't familiar with - but she would have to make do. While she could, she focused chakra to her hands and plucked at the strings, which were just barely loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI7I_i3jBos]Decelerando[/url][/i] The manipulation of her chakra ensured any nearby teammates would not be affected by the slow down effect the music had. Some shinobi were closer to her, some were not, and those closer would be more affected. The fact that Kasumi was moving around helped - but she could not keep it up for long. She knew she was out in the open and, very soon, all attention would be focused directly on her. With that in mind, she made her way back towards her team. She was not meant for the front lines. She could only hope that her jutsu had done enough for the time being. Once she was closer to her teammates, she switched tones on her harp, playing short bursts of higher pitched sound that would enhance her team's chakra. She couldn't do any of it for long or very much, lest she exhaust herself too quickly, but she did what she could within her limits. After all, it was how she had made it to chunin.