Scabbard blinked a few times, looking at the man, before realizing that he had been offered food. He sheepishly scratched the back of his head, flattered. He'd never been [i]treated[/i] to food before, he always had to just quietly swipe it when everybody was looking away. "....I'd love to!" He said, eagerly, before pausing a moment to rethink his answer. "But...We oughta go after the Cabbage Guy, yeah.....but I'm pretty hungry......but if we catch the dude, we'll have bounty money to spend on food......but I could get food [i]now[/i]....But then the Cabbage Dude might get away......I gotta think about this....." And so he put a hand to his chin and thought. And thought. ......Aaaaand thought. He stared blearily at nothing, muttering to himself about which option to choose, for what felt like ages. It seems the decision would ultimately fall on the gentleman's shoulders.......