[hr] [h2][center][u][b][color=SlateBlue]Shadrok[/color][/b][/u][/center][/h2] [sub][center][u][b][color=Green]Location: Shoreline between West city/capitol & Parsley City[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center][u][b][color=Yellow]Status: Dazed, recovering from unconsciousness, faint headache..[/color][/b][/u][/center][/sub] [hr] A pain-filled groan emitted from the red haired Saiyan after awakening from an unconscious state. Ever so slowly, Shadrok picked himself up from laying face-first on the sandy beach. Eyes shot open while examination of surrounding area occurred, not long after, Shadrok's hazel eyes winced due to a racing mind, overloading with thoughts. Searching mind or memory and attempting to figure out what happened, only made him feel [i]emptiness,[/i] along with faintly transpiring a headache. Sitting upright and in [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lotus_position]Lotus position[/url], Shadrok tries to clear his mentality of thought and 'gain his bearings'. This is a completely foreign place to him, after all... Once mind eased a bit, Shadrok narrows focus upon the surrounding area. Still eyes closed, Shadrok attempts to sense any nearby presences or power. Down the coastline, a faint bit inland, he sensed one power or presence. Directly inland, several energies were sensed, actually to many to count or decipher. However that was due to lack of skill with sensing power-levels or energy-presence, more than anything. A while passed as Shadrok meditated, once finished the man came to a stand. Shadrok stretched momentarily, audible pops escaped joints as he became limber. Arms cross as Shadrok began levitating a few feet from the ground. Right before Shadrok takes off, eyes flick towards an oddity which has never been seen by himself. Excruciatingly dark clouds begin forming in the distance. Maybe if he spent less time with eyes closed, sensing nearby power, Shadrok would of already noticed this phenomena in the distance. Zooming down the coastline and faintly inland, Shadrok begins flying towards the source of the dark-clouds. Though never going very high from the ground. [i](About five feet mid-air)[/i] '[color=SlateBlue]Where am I?[/color]' Were the only words echoing within the mind as Shadrok drew closer to the destination chosen....