Macy paused for a moment as she heard the second man apologize. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him, studying him for a moment rather than his aura. It took a moment for her to focus, and her blue eyes fixed on his. It was irritating that they had shown up unannounced, one injured and both arguing. She wouldn't deny it. Macy worked hard to fly under the radar and remain as unassuming and normal as possible. The first time she had brought Tim home to patch up his had been a one time thing. That's what she had told herself. But she had immediately reacted when she had seen them at her door that night, not hesitating before bringing them inside. could she be angry at them? Where else was there to go? "It's alright," she told him, a corner of her lips flickering up into a smile. "Really. Just...give me a warning next time, yeah?" Macy turned her attention back to her patient. "Not that there should be a next time. Tim...I thought we talked about this. I might be always be around to patch you up whenever you break something." While she waited for Brian to fetch her ice for Tim's nose, she was scribbling something down on a pad of paper. "Look, you're lucky the nose bones weren't displaced tonight. That would have been a hell of a lot more complicated for me and a hell of a lot more painful for you. It's going to be swollen for a while, and you might get some black eyes, but if you ice it and take meds you should be able to take care of it on your own. These pain meds," she continued as wrapped his hand around the slip of paper, "are the strongest you can buy over the counter. Since I can't, you know, write you a prescription. So right And rest." Her tone made it clear this was nonnegotiable. "I'll get you something to help with the pain. And to sleep." She stood and took a moment to stretch before turning to Brian, who was returning with the ice. Macy smiled. "Thanks," she told him earnestly as she reached out to take the bundle. "I'm Macy, by the way. I..." Her words were cut off by piercing scream in the night. Macy nearly dropped the ice bundle, and managed to catch hold of it when another cry almost cause it to slip from her hand again. "The Hell...," she swore under her breath as her eyes widened and glanced out of the window. She looked back over at Brian, and she didn't need to see his aura to know that he was tense and alert. "Here," she hissed to Tim, still lying on the couch, as she passed him his ice. "Don't you even think about moving." Macy stepped beside Brian as he quietly asked if she had a gun. The question caught her off guard, as she had never held a gun before in her life, let alone owned one. "" she told him, also taking on his hushed tone. "Should I...should I have one?" The question felt lame as she said it, but his rigid stance was making her heart start to race. Her eyes moved to the door, locked and chained, but what was a lock and chain good for these days? "What is it?" Macy whispered to him. [@HeySeuss]