[@RomanAria] [@ClocktowerEchos] [@POOHEAD189] [@Wernher] [@HushedWhispers] [@Hippocamp] [@Nightwing95] [@Ellion] [@Kaalee] [@Keksalot] [@NarcissisticPotato] [@Jozarin] I am reserving one of the daughters of House Ralei! And smarty, I guess we can accept just one more. People are bound to drop anyway. I will keep a list of claimed positions right here. [b]Heir to House Lear of Penkarth:[/b] taken by [@Solace] [b]Daughter of House Lear of Penkarth:[/b] taken by [@Ellion] [b]Heir to House Ralei of Caeleon:[/b] taken by [@smarty0114] [b]Daughter of House Ralei:[/b] taken by [@Ambra] [b]Spymaster of House Rathmore:[/b] taken by [@Hippocamp]