Conna'Cel powered back up from his standby mode as the others returned from the kitchen, along with a new guest as well. "It appears it is now time to move," Conna'Cel stated, following Marianne into a room in which the outside of the door had a few black feathers scattered nearby. Wondering what sort of danger was inside this room, Conna'Cel readied his energy blade on his right arm as he followed Marianne inside. Truth be told, though, he was not expecting a crucified girl with the floor completely littered with black feathers. Picking one of them up with his left hand, Conna'Cel gave it a quick scan, the results revealing it to be from a Common raven. As for the girl that Marianne was now antagonizing, Conna'Cel walked over to her and said, "[color=silver]Well, you are certainly not in a good predicament, are you?[/color]" Conna'Cel put his left hand to his chin as he began weighing the risks and rewards of freeing the girl. There was always the chance that she could be a threat, though it didn't seem like it. The girl certainly didn't have the build to pose a threat in physical combat, though he was aware that appearances were not everything, especially not in this labyrinth of a mansion. Naturally, his decision was to leave the girl alone. To Conna'Cel, he had nothing to gain from freeing the girl, and he wasn't willing to take the risk in case she was a threat. So, he left the decision to free Lusso for another person. [hr] Shawn just kept running as he was dragged along by one of the two twins, not even turning back to unleash a blast of demonfire or two. Survival was his top priority, and Shawn felt that by running fast enough, he would most likely do just that. Soon he and the others arrived at the location the main group was, and after reaching a somewhat safe place, Shawn helped Scarlet hold the door back as he took a look at everyone around him. There were quite a number of oddballs here, too. There was what seemed to be a robot, a girl with a mysterious dark aura, another rather cute dark-haired girl, yet another cute girl bound to a cross with silver chains... it was clear that there were a lot of girls here. Gorgonzolla was wary of everyone here. To him, all of them were a threat, particularly Marianne. He wasn't sure how powerful she was, but he did get the feeling that she was not one to be trifled with. [i][color=ed1c24]Shawn, you better be taking this seriously. Keep an eye on everyone here, especially [b]that[/b] one,[/color][/i] Gorgonzolla said in Shawn's mind, directing his attention to Marianne. "[color=00aeef]Don't worry, Gorgy, I've always been taking this seriously,[/color]" Shawn said out loud, forgetting that only he could hear Gorgonzolla's voice in his mind. Gorgonzolla was unconvinced by Shawn's answer, but let it slide, considering the situation they were now in.