Scott calmly took the letter from Jennifer and placed it into a pcoket hidden away in his coat. "It's exactly as the letter say Mrs.Reece. I am offering you the job of protecting this city from itself and those who would wish to harm the innocents of this city." Scott said as simply as he could, he was leaving out a lot of the nitty-gritty of the job to keep it vague enough that if she decided not to take the job and go off and tell someone about her encounter, it would be more difficult for anyone serious to belive her. "Don't take this lightly either though Mrs.Reece. This is a dangerous job and your going to make a lot of enemies and sometimes you'll find yourself on the run from the people you pledge to protect. This is a lonely, gruelling occupation and not for the faint of heart." Scott elaborated, half hoping she would say no as he was beginning to have second thoughts on his choice of a replacement.