Claribel cooed, "It's not your face that's scary!" Under her breath, she whispered, "Kinda." She insisted, "Anything can be scary if you don't know it's coming likeRIGHTNOW AH!" Claribel hopped towards Giko suddenly, but the two were about the same height, and Claribel's scale leaned all to way to cute as opposed to creepy, so it didn't have much impact. Backing up, Claribel insisted, "Hmm, that one didn't work, but it could have! Anyway, I'm Claribel!" Looking around, there was something she just needed to...aha! Running over to a [url=]certain[/url] open restaurant stall, she offered up some cash, getting some freshly baked, sugar coated little doughnuts in two little baggies, one for each of them. Taking Giko's, she speared one of them with a toothpick, holding it up to her. Claribel's eyes sparked with a clear interest in watching Giko eat.