[center][color=EECBAD][h2]ღ~Kians~ღ[/h2][/color][/center] Naturally, every Meeting of the Crests was filled with tension, suspicion and menace. The toxic atmosphere so thick that a scimitar could literally cut through it all and make the room bleed. Most the families were all but at each other’s throat, thanks to the anxiety over recent events. Things that would be subject of the meeting no doubt. Of course, things only got worse after the Kian entered the deck from spending time in their quarters. Gravity immediately increased as if the air was made from weights and cling to their figures with a need to make them kneel. Panic swept through Nima and Sahar, their alchemy flared in reaction to the unexpected attack. Nima’s words echoed from his lips causing his body to take on a unusual and dim glow, the surface no longer the golden color as it became dark black much like carbon steel. His specialty shifting the composition of his skin from flesh into any substance he chose. Meanwhile, he could feel Sahar’s figure shift then rapidly gain momentum as her figure blurred slightly, making it where anything that touched her would be immediately shattered into fragments before it penetrated her flesh. The children were already bracing themselves to escape with the Yaser’s ability to influence the solidness of objects and people he focused on. The heir’s arms around the twins while Parisa hopped onto his back, her thin arms curled about his neck to phase with them through the ship’s hull and aimed to then escape through the lower deck. There was only one issue: their alchemy seemed to been grounded to the halt as well. The moment they tried to activate it, it was like all the power was cut off and immediately it shut down. Sahar looked wide eyed into her husband’s face as tears formed underneath her brown eyes, her head buried in her husband’s shoulder to accept their fate. Her voice whispered quietly in an apologetic nature. “I’m sorry, my showhar.” Nima merely clasped her close as possible with the pressure bearing upon them, his eyes shut to hide the fear he couldn’t push away from his gaze. Then as suddenly as it began, it ceased. One by one, the families started to check over their members before the bickering began in full swing. Carefully lifting up his wife, Nima whispered for her to check the children though there was little need because she was already stepping to it, her form quickly leaned down to look over Parsia first then the twins. Nima, naturally, took a defensive position to hover nearby while the families were recovering. His alchemy ready to activate on a single command as he stood watch. Avoiding his mother, Yaser stepped in beside his father, his face a deep scowl at the others while debating over what happened. “Who do you think was responsible?” “I don’t know, but I fully intend to find out.” Nima replied to his son, quietly. Yaser turned his head to fix upon his father, admiring him a bit, then returned his scowl toward the Peralta and Queen Anne family. A deep seated hatred edged into his soul at seeing them that Nima’s hand raised then placed itself upon his heir’s shoulder. His next words tried to edge caution into the young man’s temper, hoping to subside any rash actions and ease the toiling rage within. “Don’t be rash. At least let us determine our allies before we jump to actions. I much rather not find ourselves alone in the war.” Saying this, someone started to clap their hands breaking the tension within the room. Nima’s head turned to observe the individual stepping into the deck dressed in the themes of red and black, and silver glasses covering his eyes. He seemed amused by the near slaughter about to break out in front of him when he spoke, explaining the incident was a bitter reminder how easily the Asylums could kill them all and possible how little the AMRO actually valued them. In Nima’s mind, it was an insult in some way to remind them that every single one of their most powerful had been taken and become Asylums within the organization. Nothing but property, their rights to their future denied. The Shah inhaled softly, then gestured to his son to remain with his family. When Angel ceased and his companion set sail, he started to approach Dante Palladino. “There’s always better ways to remind us of our place, but nearly crushing us is not the best one.” [h2][center]Xx---------------------------xX [color=DEBA5E][b]Samad[/b][/color] & [color=7CCD7C]Cade[/color] Xx---------------------------xX[/center][/h2] [color=929292]"GET ON FUCKING BOARD!"[/color] Cade frowned, his eyes pulled up and noted the owner of the voice standing on deck. The man was well into his forties, his figured dressed sharply and cupped hands lowering from his mouth after he had shouted his impatience down upon them. The blonde sighed inwardly while his feet tried to pick up pace to reach the rest of the group, spotting the youngest seem to separate and approach the ship alone. That was strange to him for a moment causing Cade’s pace to slow a bit and examine the scene occurring. The Asylum was about fifteen in age, her skin fair and dressed in a dark, victorian era dress that flowed with each step across the pier. Her blond, pigtail hair fluttered behind her with the sea breeze rippling across the sea and floating pass, the man wondering if she actually was a lost and confused LARPer from the area. Upon reaching the rear, they came to a stop as they heard Angel’s voice commented on something. His silver glasses settled on each of them with a question on his lips. “I’m guessing none of you are willing to stop her for the sake of the mission?” Cade began to open his mouth to reply when suddenly, Samad’s elbow found its way into his ribs. The jab was enough to make the younger Asylum grit his teeth and cease his budding words, dampening a sharp yelp into a soft grunt. He doubled over at the waist, slightly, and his eyes glared at his partner. The Persian’s head shook a silent no. A visible warning as Cade’s face crunched in concern and frustration, not sure what the hell was going through his partner’s head. Feeling that Samad might actually accept his question rather than ignore him, Cade mentally spoke while he scrunched up his face in annoyance. [color=7CCD7C][i]’What the hell was that for?’[/i][/color] [color=DEBA5E][b][i]’Do you really want to get us both killed?!?’[/i][/b][/color] Samad snapped, Cade feeling his irritation being forced aside and not a brick wall between them. The Asylum’s gaze was held over the younger man as if knowing something he wasn’t telling, a fact that made Cade nervous. The blond’s vision shifted when he heard Angel continue, a sigh passing through his lips when he finally submitted to the silence. “Yes, I suppose I wouldn’t want to be a blot on the floor either.” Then the Lost number stepped off to approach the child now threatening the ship. [color=7CCD7C][i] ‘Is she going to kill them?!?[/i][/color] [color=DEBA5E][b][i] ‘It seems so, I wonder who pissed her off and why.’[/i][/b][/color] Samad’s lacking empathy only showed in his words, his emotions flooding their link was another story. It was filled with anxiety and frustration, something rather uncharacteristic for the Persian since Cade had known him. A curious matter to the doctor, giving him a reason to pause and look Samad over with a scrutinizing look. [color=7CCD7C][i] Why [u]do[/u] you care about the bloodlines?[/i][/color] The question merely escaped before Cade could catch it, his attention distracted while Rin was dealt with by Angel’s bargaining. [color=DEBA5E][b][i]Who says I do? And what business is it of yours?’[/i][/b][/color] Samad countered with his own questions, sidestepping the budding conversation into a topic he didn’t want to explore or reveal just yet. His arms crossed over his chest while he continued to watch Rin, noting the interaction casually. Shortly, the ship was no longer sinking when it bobbed back up from the waters. The display seemed to put Samad more at ease for the moment as he ignored Cade’s stare hardened. Despite their forced partnership, they were complete strangers in the time they were linked. And both knew it. With the girl appeased, the Asylums began to board. [h2][center]Xx---------------------------xX[/center][/h2] They arrived just when the Bloodlines were ready to rip each apart. Angel, the very Chrono who saved the cruise ship and all the lives onboard, began clapping. The sound was enough to draw a confused look from not just the families but Cade too. Both his and Samad’s eyes watched the man edge into the center of attention, obviously enjoying the spectacle he was making of himself in the process. His words were almost mocking in his approach to try to frighten the families unnecessarily after a fuck up by another team and his partner. Now it was Samad’s turn to note his partner’s visual discomfort growing by the second, the man’s attention fixed on the table where a few families were currently at. Namely the Legendes. While Angel rambled on, Samad’s mind nudged Cade. [color=DEBA5E][b][i]’Now who’s having anxiety over the bloodlines?’[/i][/b][/color] [color=7CCD7C][i]’Shut up…’[/i][/color] Came Cade’s reply. Samad just chuckled in amusement over the shoe being on the other foot. When the Chrono looked at Dolos, the Queen Anne’s heir, Samad actually hoped the filthy little brat might’ve been brazen enough to provoke the man and enable the Asylum to end their family’s future. Unfortunately the boy was smart enough to look away. Angel then turned his attention over to the very man that shouted at them from the deck. He gave the same glare from either through Samad suspected something more was passed between them. At the end, the girl, Rina, turned to the ship’s command then gave the official orders to depart. When things seem to settle down for the time, Cade immediately broke from Samad’s presence then moved toward the Legendes. Namely the Patriarch and his daughter.