Hearing the reasoning of the rocket man had managed to clue Tenmon in to what he meant. [i]Clearly[/i], he had feared the [i][b]amazing cutting power[/b][/i] of Yugure - the high-quality ninjatō of the Tamashi Clan. While it was true that Yugure was a weapon capable of great feats in the hands of Tenmon, it wasn't so dangerous that he needed to be [i]elbowed in the face[/i] for fear of him using it. Not at all; Tenmon would clear up this misunderstanding with haste - that's what ninjas do, after all. [color=7ea7d8][b]"This weapon was designed by my clan, not an industry."[/b][/color] Tenmon explained, dusting himself off. [color=7ea7d8][b]"You don't need to worry; I wasn't going to [i]kill[/i] them. I'm a ninja, aft—"[/b][/color] His elaboration was cut off by the sounds of excitement from his attacker. [b]"YOU! If you have a net we can use to catch this cool huge bug thing, I'll forgive you for misusing that weapon just this once!"[/b] Misusing the weapon? Tenmon didn't even get the opportunity to [i]use[/i] the weapon, let alone [i]misuse[/i] it. He wasn't the kind to misuse weapons anyway, [i]especially[/i] not Yugu— [b]"The Marines!? You better not be working for the marines, cool-outfit-guy! They shouldn't have those weapons either!"[/b] [color=7ea7d8][b]"What? The Marines don't wield weapons like mine."[/b][/color] Tenmon replied, doing a series of demonstrative slashes before intending to sheathe the weapon. But before he had even started to sheathe Yugure, the rocket man had already started [s]yelling at[/s] talking to someone else. The intense topic shifting here was a tad too fast for Tenmon to bother following - especially considering the fact that there were still some gangsters inside the store that needed to be dealt with, albeit some were just standing there in shock from the many different figures that had appeared over the course of their raid. Surrounded by people of all kinds, Tenmon just, well, he waited: a lot had happened just then, and it would make more sense for him to hear out the mantis-woman before he did anything else, in addition to preparing for any impromptu attacks from that rocket guy again.