[h1][color=skyblue]James Russel Haynes[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7vlwhxXpL1rt5hyjo1_400.jpg[/IMG] [b]Location:[/b]Field House [b]Interacting with:[/b]The team and Alexander[hr] Russ looked around the locker room. It almost had a festive feel to it. Someone had brought a Bluetooth speaker and were playing hip-hop and rap music. This was what the team listened to pump themselves up. Not some lame soundtrack that the glee club thought they would like. Russ was wearing his jersey. He loved wearing it on game day. Everyone already knew he was on the team, but it was a symbol of his status. Russ liked to think there was more to him than just football, but on game day he was focused. His head was in the game and the only way he was going to do well was if he got into his zone early. The game might be in a few hours but the pre-game was just as important as what happened on the field. He looked around at the group of guys in the room. Coach wasn't in there with them at the moment so everyone was relaxed. They still had the pep rally to go before the atmosphere had to change. Suddenly, someone punched Russ on his shoulder. It was Alexander. Alexander was his roommate, the quarterback, and the captain. He was also the person Russ felt closest to. [b]"Lighten up dude. No reason to start getting ready this early. You'll wind yourself up too tight and then you won't be able to run. And we need you tonight. Try and have some fun!"[/b] Russ turned to him and smiled. [b][color=skyblue] "Don't hit me again or I won't block for you on any of the pass plays tonight. We'll see if you're still smiling when you're flat on your back."[/color][/b] Russ smiled at Alexander. Russ knew he was trying to just motivate him and Alex knew Russ would never do anything to jeopardize the game. Even though Russ transferred in, he and Alex had become fast friends. There was little that Russ did that Alex wasn't right there next to him. Russ went around to other teammates and joked around with them. He was basically killing time until the coaches came to fetch them and lead them into the gym where the pep rally was at. They were playing their rivals tonight. They were also the only competition in their conference. If they could win tonight, it would set them up to be conferene champs which would keep them a good seed come playoff time. They were good enough that going to playoffs wasn't a question. It was a matter of if they would go undefeated or not. Russ tried not to let the nerves get to him. He had played in big games before. This was no different. The nerves kept him sharp. Alex was right though. If he let himself start to shut everyone and focus on the game this early then he would be too tense when it was time for the game. Russ shook his head and rolled his shoulders. He knew why he was nervous. Football was easy and he was confident that they were the better team. He knew that they would win. He was nervous about who was watching. He didn't resent Alex at all. In fact, no one would ever see him if Alex was no good. What he really wanted was that Meghan was wearing his jersey instead of Alex's. It was petty and he wouldn't let it affect his game. But for some reason it was still on his mind. His usual smile had disappeared earlier that day when he saw that she was wearing Alex's number instead of his. Sure he had his admirers, but she was the one that had caught his eye. And he thought he had caught hers these first few weeks, but he guessed wrong it seemed. Alex walked over to where Russ was sitting. [b]"You're doing it again. Cut it out. Come over here with us."[/b] Russ got up and joined Alex and the offensive line in a corner of the locker room. They were engaged in typical locker room talk. Russ smiled and joined in. His two favorite topics: football and girls. They sat and passed the time until the pep rally.