[hider=Clarissa] [img]http://s32.postimg.org/p5keo54s5/chief_by_ming85.jpg[/img] Name: Clarissa Gender: Female Age: 22 Species: Human Power Level: 2,000 Aura/Ki color: Red Appearance Description: Clarissa is pretty tall (185 cm) adult women with with great figure which wear made of silk black comfortable bra and made of the same material cover around her weist (as seen on the picture). She also carries circle-like tatoo which represents her old organization mercenary organization "Old hunters". Don't ask about her weight - it would be really rude and she dislike rude people (even if she is rude herself, hypocrite all the way :D). Also it's really easy to recognize her because of her blood red hair, black lipstick on her lips and strange white-grey skin color. Personality: [list] [*] [i](Commonly)[/i] Cheeky, sarcastic, loves black humour although once you gain her trust she is far more polite. She doesn't take things too seriously. [*] [i](Rarely)[/i] She can be kind and understanding, but it rarely happens. She tries to hide this part of her character really, REALLY hard. [*] [i](Finally)[/i] She loves the trill of the fight and though she is never cruel towards her allies, they may find her bloodthirst a bit disturbing anyway. She's adrenaline junkie and love the thrill of the danger. [/list] Abilities/Techniques: [list] [*] Flight, Ki Blast/Beam basics [*] Her long/mid range attacks mostly use her arrows, to which she apply ki force (Ki may add piercing power or may explode the arrows once on impact. May also shoot few arrows at once and apply ki to this kind of attack which she calls "Arrows Ki Rain". May also shoot instantly several arrows in a row which she calls "Rapid Fire Arrows Barrage". [*] Has no idea how to conceal her power [*] She's also really good in hand-to-hand combat and she may apply ki to her physical melee attacks. [/list] Equipment: Long Bow And Arrows, Wakizashi (only for finishing targets or killing easy targets to kind of 'mock' them). Weaponry: The same as Equipment. History: Since she remembers she was part of "Old hunters" organization (ruled by her father) which mostly worked like vigilante criminal organization - hunt criminals and ignore the law. If someone is a rapist or murderer - he doesn't deserve a second chance in her book. Laws by definition are flawed, which didn't make her truly popular with police and other law biding organizations/structures. If you would describe her in one word it would be anti-hero. She isn't against killing as long as it helps to protect what she believes in and her allies. It once reached a point where she almost ended up in prison (good lawyer fixed the problem) and after this left the organization. They weren't happy about it, but she didn't give a f**k in the end - she was the strongest one anyway so they can kiss her a**. Now she just look for new exciting fights and people, which she may actually trust and fight on equal footing. In other words she aims higher. Team: Team Three Star! Others: Her theme -> [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AftqwqRQQxA[/youtube] [/hider] Team Three Star!