[@olcharlieboi] Avarius was in slight awe at the magic he just witnessed, of course stories had been told of it but he always imagined them to be over exaggerations. But there it was, undeniably, in all it's glory, right in front of him. It took his mind away from the terrible pain radiating through his body. Amazed at the speed and proficiency of the magic, and at the ease in which the nurses performed it, Avey failed to notice a nurse approach him from the side and slip the smooth gentle warm skin of her hand delicately around his. Startled by her touch he jumped slightly in his bed, this was followed by a yelp of pain as his body disagreed with the motion. With gritted teeth and blushing red cheeks he looked at the cute young girl beside him as she started to do her thing. There was a soft tingling in his hand that slowly spread up his arm and throughout his body. He felt slightly dizzy and elated at the same time as a numbness washed away his pain just before his bruises vanished from his skin and his bones mended back in place. It should have been painful, it wasn't, but it still sounded and looked horrifying. A sweet taste filled his mouth and he could feel the experience coming to an end. As the girl released his hand a huge breath escaped his lungs along with all the sensations her touch had brought. He was left with but a dull ache in place of the once excruciating pain. He decided to quell the doctors boredom and his own curiosity with one strike. "[i]How do they do that? How can I learn to do that?[/i]" He asks with a fierce eager determination.