[@Overlord24][@Zorogami] [h3][color=39b54a]With their group expanded and a destination in mind, this unlikely bunch headed off on a journey to find a safe place. On the way there, the group was attacked by raiders. Emma had killed them without so much as a second thought, but unfortunately, Titania had fallen. Pushing past that, the remaining three maid their way to Litheral Town, with their final destination being the pokemon league.[/color][/h3] Emma sat on top of the roof to an abandoned house, keeping watch. There weren't any zombies in this town, thank god, but there may just be raiders. All their supplies were inside, so they'd have to get past her. Who would raid in a desert town of nothingness? She wasn't too sure at all. She just knew it was a possibility. She looked at the night sky. It was so clear, just like when she first came, to challenge the gym. She still couldn't believe all this happened after she beat the elite four. She honestly hated it. She slapped her cheeks and said, "Emotions like that are useless..." She then looked down at the barren streets below. They'd have to leave before dawn if they wanted to get as far as possible through the desert. Temperatures could get pretty extreme during the day.