When you think of a deity, what do you imagine? Do you imagine an all powerful being capable of omniscience? A being so powerful that they created both the world and the mortals that inhabit it? Well what if the world and mortals had already existed beforehand, and the mortals were actually the ones that had created the deities? Well, a long time ago in Altreni, mortals began to pray to fictional gods, creating religion after religion in an effort to explain the world around them. After many centuries of praying and building monuments in the name of the non-existent gods, these non-existent gods actually came into being. Shortly after being born into the world the deities realized that the prayer from the mortals was actually a large source of their power. In an effort to obtain more strength they aided the mortals, keeping watch over them and even giving them special powers and blessings to those who were truly devout and/or impressed them. Due to this, prayer and worship increased rapidly, resulting in the birth a whole slew of deities. Eventually the deities became powerful enough to create small pocket dimensions. The first pocket realms created were very small in size and used as homes or thinking spaces for some of the deities, however as more gods were created a bigger more ambitious realm was created that would serve as the main homes for most deities. This realm became known as the Upper World, and with every new deity created, the realm continued to expand and grow. Overall the world of Altreni seemed to be a great and magical place to live in. Sure there were wars and blood was shed between different kingdoms and religious groups, but for the most part the world was very stable. Of course, things could not always stay this way, as one deity named Jeno decided that the best thing for Altreni was to overthrow the strongest deity known as Alithos. By setting up a fake meeting between just the two of them, Jeno prepared for an ambush. Alithos however, was too strong and was able to win in the end, banishing Jeno to the void for eternity. Once news of Jeno’s banishment reached the mortals a large amount of worshippers revolted against the gods and stopped praying entirely, leaving the deities in a much weaker state. Jeno was supposed to be the god of peace, so why would he attack Alithos, the strongest deity? The former worshippers began to paint Alithos and many of the other deities as murderers and traitors not worthy of receiving worship. Virtually every deity was affected by this rapid decline in worship, excluding a few minor deities that were worshipped by only one or a few minor races as the majority of people that abandoned the gods were human. With the collapse in the power of the deities, Altreni became politically unstable as new wars and conflicts began to arise. To make matters worse, Mysterious Beings were beginning to appear at a much quicker rate. It’s only a matter of time before things spiral out of control. [h1][color=Blue]Overview[/color][/h1] [h3][color=ForestGreen]The World of Altreni[/color][/h3] [hider=Altreni] The world of Altreni is large in scope, and is home to a myriad of races. It hosts many different environments from normal forests, swamps, and deserts to more unique underwater jungles and the like. Most mortals belong to the human race, and they make up the biggest chunk of worshippers. Despite the incredibly large amount of living humans, they only worship the gods twice as much as the next two largest (population-wise) races, that of the elves and dwarves. Currently humans have ten times the population of both elves and dwarves, uncombined. While most mortals are not all that strong, there exist great adventurers and warriors that are extremely powerful for their species. In fact there are tales of mages being able to level a whole town or even a chunk of a city. There are also great warriors who have been able to take on a horde of opponents alone, still managing to win. Of course mortals almost never become powerful enough to take on deities. It is exceptionally rare, even if one were to obtain a deity created artifact. Mortals and most spiritual beings use a type of magic known as Arcane magic, which draws mana from the inner self and lets one cast spells. Unfortunately Arcane magic takes a lot of practice to master, and also requires channeling in very specific ways to achieve the correct effects. If one can not properly direct their Arcane mana, the spell will most likely fizzle out or weaken considerably. Overall most mortals only specialize in a few fields of magic, as attempting to learn every field of magic would be incredibly difficult, even for those that are extraordinarily gifted. It should be noted however that some mortals that are very devout to a specific god may be able to use some divine magic, however this is really own divine in the sense that it is given to them by the deity they worship and is not pulled from the inner self. Thus even a man who has no real magic power to call his own can still use the borrowed power from his god. Blessings of Divine magic vary heavily depending on which deity hands them out, but no deity gives out a non-specific spell. Instead the spell is based on the god’s own arcane magic as is tradition. A god of fire, for instance might allow a mortal to breathe fire as a blessing, but it would never allow them to shoot out an icicle from their hand, as doing so would basically be saying “My power over fire is incredible, but I really wish I had control over ice as fire isn’t really that useful.” It’s a matter of pride for all deities, and a rule that will probably never change. [/hider] [hider=Current state of the world] Altreni has been growing increasingly unstable as the years have passed since Jeno was banished to the void. The majority of mortals do not worship deities as they believe the majority of gods are all unjust and evil. This holds true with both humans and even the minor races, though humans in particular have lost faith in the gods much more than the other species. Due to the instability, more wars have begun to break out over resources and religion. The only truly unified nations are those with no deities or those with deities that sided with Jeno, stating that he was banished for no good reason. Though nations that have deities in general seem to have things tougher as there are fanatics who despise all deities, regardless of their role. [/hider] [hider=Pocket Dimensions] Pocket dimensions are small realms that have been created by the deities themselves using divine magic. To enter a pocket dimension one must either create or find a portal to the realm, however it should be noted that mortals are not powerful enough to create a portal to a pocket dimension, or a pocket dimension itself. Instead they must either seek help from a deity or find a magical item allowing them to access said destination. A pocket dimension is almost impossible to find if you don’t know it’s location. The only real way to get around this is to have another deity teach a deity how to reach their own pocket dimension. It takes a bit of time before a deity can fully master how to reach a new pocket dimension regularly without any problems. Traveling to a new pocket realm does not fully interrupt the flow of divine magic gathered through worship, though it does inhibit it slightly which makes recovery all that much slower should a deity be injured. [/hider] [hider=The Void] The void is the space between realms. There is no light in the void, and no one has ever tried to explore it on purpose, for fear of getting stuck. The void was originally used to throw unruly or rebellious deities who became power hungry and corrupt. Reaching it is extremely tough, and only the strongest deities can actually create a working portal to it. This is because, unlike a pocket dimension there is no stable structure to hold onto. Portals typically work as wormholes, or a “bridge” in the sense that both portals connect to the realms themselves and latch on creating a stable connection. The void however is a different story, since there is nothing in the void it’s the equivalent of a mortal attempting to build a horizontal bridge connecting the land and air. It takes an extraordinary amount of power to keep a portal stabilized to the void, as the magic in the void begins to disperse, similar to a cube of sugar in a glass of water. If one were to be trapped in the void, escape would be all but impossible. Theoretically, one could escape, but creating a portal that begins in the void is even tougher to stabilize than creating one from inside a realm. Even if one were able to escape, the realm they ended up in would be completely random, as they wouldn’t even know what direction to create the other end of the portal. To make matters worse, the source of divine magic is cut off in the void, as it can’t quite pinpoint a deities location. For these reasons, escaping would be nothing short of a miracle, regardless of how strong a deity is. [/hider] [hider=Mysterious Beings] Mysterious Beings are unique creatures that seem to appear out of nowhere. Unlike monsters, they are completely different from one another, and do not resemble each other enough to be considered the same species. Most Mysterious Beings are solitary, however a few can band together and form a small or even large group. They do not seem to produce offspring, and little is known about them as a whole. They all have varying levels of power, and can be anywhere from a mere annoyance (for a mortal) or on the level of a deity. The strongest recorded unique creature was as powerful as Alithos in his prime, and its whereabouts are still currently unknown, though it is presumed to either be dead or in hibernation. The only exception is that of the Hydra, which is beyond any mortal, or deity. Most Mysterious Beings tend to be hostile and angry, though there are a few peaceful and friendly ones. Taming these creatures, has been fruitless, as they don’t seem receptive to orders. Despite all dragons being wildly different, they are not considered to be Mysterious Beings, though they are technically a product of the Hydra. (More on the Hydra and dragons later) [/hider] [hider=Artifacts and Warped Locations] While most artifacts are created by mortals and deities, just like Mysterious Beings, mysterious artifacts may appear from time to time. When one appears they tend to distort the area around them, and can be guarded both by Mysterious Beings and traps. For the most part they tend to be weaker than any god made artifacts, however some of them are incredibly useful or powerful if used properly. Strangely enough, it is not uncommon for these artifacts to disappear just as suddenly as they arrived. Though this usually only happens if no one actually bothers to use them. Warped locations can be anything from ruins, to temples, dungeons, and even just random environments. It’s not unheard of for a desert to have a random area covered in snow, and this usually indicates that an artifact is near. [/hider] [h3][color=Yellow]Deities[/color][/h3] [hider=About Deities] Deities are extremely powerful spirits born from prayer and worship. Their bodies are made entirely out of divine magic, and are resistant to both physical and magical damage. Not only that, but they are extremely capable when it comes to physical strength or spell power, and can easily pull feats even the most powerful mortals would have trouble with. They watch over their followers and often grant those who are especially devout and/or favorable with powers and blessings. Upon birth a deity tends to gain the personality of what their followers believe them to be like, however a deity usually ends up being a bit different. Two gods, for instance may be good friends despite their followers originally believing they are mortal enemies that hate each other. And of course as a god grows older, they are free to mature in sense that their personality and values can change. Deities, unlike mortals do not exactly value relationships, and while not rare, it is uncommon to find two deities living together as a couple as there is no need for them to engage in this kind of manner. Especially when you consider the fact that deities can not produce any offspring either. In fact, deities can not even create life at all. The best they can do is create golems or reanimate creatures, neither of which is actually considered to be alive. The only exception to this is with that of plants. However they must be static non-moving plants such as grass, bushes or trees. Deities can move these plants around with magic, but the plant itself can not move on its own. While deity relationships are uncommon, Mortal-Deity relationships are extremely rare. It’s not strictly taboo, though most deities look down on others who wed mortals. In a way it’s considered to be indecent and/or demeaning for a deity to marry someone “lower” than a deity. Any mortal who is very devout and considered worthy may receive the ultimate blessing and turn into a demigod. This allows them to stop aging completely after reaching maturity, and also gives them an increase in magical power, and all the arcane powers/blessings of their deity. (albeit, the powers gained are still much weaker in strength than the god/goddess that granted them their abilities) In this way they turn into a “saint” that can help spread their religion to other people. Deities can revoke this status at any moment. Lovers are also almost always given this status, as dealing with the heartbreak of losing a loved one to age or death is never a good thing. Most deities can only pick two to three mortals to become demigods, with the strongest deities being able to pick around five. Blessings do not have to be spells or powers. There are some blessings that instead help with traveling safely by subconsciously avoiding danger and the like. Of course, the mortal blessed in this manner would only feel a sense of unease. If they were to ignore this “sixth sense” then they would obviously still be in danger. Blessings like these are also not the most reliable, and typically end up working only half the time or so. Deities have no need to eat, breathe, sleep, or use the bathroom, and are completely immune to non-magical sickness. A deity's power is based on how many worshippers they have, as well as how devout they are. A deity that loses all of its worshippers will remain a deity, and keep their divine magic, however they will not be able to regenerate any of their divine powers and will have to use what little they have sparingly, lest they run out. A deity that has been injured regardless of the injury can simply rest to recover as they receive more divine magic from their followers. In the event they have no more followers due to a war or genocide, a deity will begin to replace the divine magic that forms its body with that of its own arcane power. While extremely rare, there have been cases where a deity has lost all divine magic, turning them into a high-level spirit instead. This is an irreversible process, and even if one were to acquire more worshippers they would still be stuck as a spirit, forever unable to transform back into a god. Rest and food helps to speed up the recovery of lost arcane magic and stamina of a deity, but it does not assist in restoring divine power. The only exception to this is if food has been absolutely soaked in divine magic from another deity. Food prepared this way will leak out its energy within a few days, and only helps restore a small amount of divine magic. Magical potions and the like again only restore arcane magic and energy, so the only real way to restore divine magic is to rest while one’s wounds heal. If a deity loses a limb they can regrow it, though it will take a matter of a day to a few hours depending on how powerful they are. All deities can change their appearance slightly, however deities must be proficient in shape-shifting to change into a different humanoid race, or monster than their original form. Changing yourself into another humanoid race is pretty simple for most shape-shifting deities, however transforming into monsters or animals is a lot tougher. Just because a deity can shapeshift into a giant scorpion does not mean that they can change into a boar. Changing into a humanoid is considered easier because they at least have the same type of bone structure, to some extent. Of course the same thing can be said that a deity that can transform into a kobold can not turn into a dwarf, though usually most deities who shapeshift can take a couple of humanoid races, if not most or all of them. As a note it should also be stated that a deity does not have to be humanoid in its base form. Something akin to a monster or a spiral of light works, though usually in this case they can take a humanoid form as well. [/hider] [hider=Notable Deities] [hider=Alithos - The Fearless Leader, The Unyielding Warrior] One of the first deities to ever be born into the world, and currently the strongest of all deities. He was responsible for imprisoning Jeno in the void after being attacked by him and stands by his decision that it was the right thing to do. He has taken part in many battles, both in Altreni and the Upper World and has only ever lost fights when he was first born and very young. He is technically the leader of all the other deities, however he only acknowledges himself as the strongest god and does not give out orders to others unless he feels like he needs to. He has never been shaken by a foe, regardless of how powerful they are and is fearless in the face of danger. Of course there are times where he has been a little reckless and obtained an otherwise avoidable injury, but it’s just in his nature to not back down when something important is on the line. Many mortals pray to him to gain courage and strength, most notably for war. Though people also tend to worship him for guidance on how to become a good leader and the like. In combat, he tends to charge forward. Relentlessly following his enemy around, and no matter the obstacle he doesn’t back down. He wields a sword that is not all that noteworthy and has no intrinsic enchantments other than it being exceptionally durable. Alithos specializes in wind and air spells, as well as physical enhancements which allows him to increase his strength, speed, and agility. [/hider] [hider=Jeno - The Charitable Peacekeeper, The Traitor] Jeno was a handsome philanthropic deity who cared for every mortal and preached peace and happiness wherever he went. Unfortunately in his quest for world peace he became corrupt and tried to overthrow Alithos and take his place so he could spread his goodness far and wide. This of course didn’t work, even with the aid of many artifacts that Jeno had “borrowed” from other deities. Alithos was too strong for him, and Jeno was banished to the void. [/hider] [hider=Shugema - God of Science and Technology] The god of science and technology. He’s always whipping up some new type of contraption or creating new artifacts or devices. He’s fairly whimsical, and often gets excited when talking about his work, even if it’s just a prototype or an idea. He specializes in ranged electric and energy attacks, but has trouble when facing enemies in close quarters, though he makes up for this with a plethora of devices and artifacts which he himself has created. [/hider] [hider=Repio - The Wise, The First] The first god to ever exist. He mostly stays neutral regarding mortal matters, and has preferred to study alone in his private pocket dimension, only ever leaving to visit the yearly deity meeting in the Upper World. Not all that much is known about him as he keeps to himself. He blesses his followers with enlightenment and knowledge. Not much is known about his fighting style, though it’s been said he likes to use light elemental spells. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Divine Magic] Divine magic is a type of magic only usable by deities. Unlike arcane magic which is strict and rigid, divine magic can be channeled easily to create practically any spell. Because of this, deities tend to focus on increasing their divine magic rather than arcane magic. However, it should also be noted that deities can combine both divine and arcane magic into one spell making it extremely powerful. Some god-made artifacts make use of divine magic and allow even a mortal to cast any spell they like, however they do not regenerate magic energy like other artifacts and must be recharged by a deity to be usable again. [/hider] [hider=Upper World] The Upper World is a large realm created by the first deities. It is constantly expanding as more deities add onto it. Because of this there are many different environments in the Upper World, just like Altreni. Many deities make their home here, and every year there is a meeting that takes place regarding important news or events. Only a certain amount of deities ever show up as it’s not required to attend at all. There are a few portals on Altreni that can take a mortal to the Upper World directly, however these tend to be in remote or hard to reach places that can be dangerous. Generally mortals just enter the realm by befriending a deity or the like. While it’s not that big of a deal to some deities whether a mortal enters the Upper World or not, there are some who dislike it heavily if it’s not for a good reason. They won’t actually attack the mortal unless they themselves are attacked, and instead often opt to just ignore the mortal and pretend as if they don’t exist. Near the heart of the Upper World is an extremely large arena in which most disputes between deities can be settled through a non-lethal battle which is usually scheduled to take place within a few hours to a week. Deities often visit the arena to watch the other deities battle it out. It’s a form of entertainment. Lethal battles are supposed to remain exempt from this area, but deaths have occurred both accidentally and on purpose, though these are of course isolated events. Lethal battles are reserved for Altreni and pocket dimensions, with most of them taking place in pocket dimensions as fighting on Altreni will usually result in an entire area being wiped out. Every now and then tournaments may be hosted for both deities and occasionally mortals may be invited as well. The winner’s prize varies, though it usually involves an artifact that another deity has created. Deities and mortals watching the battle take place in the arena while not required, are expected to donate a small amount of energy to create a magical forcefield to protect the audience members from harm. Because many gods usually watch these battles, the amount of energy a deity needs to donate is fairly minimal. [/hider] [hider=Misc. deities] There are hundreds of deities of all shapes and sizes, making it impossible to catalogue all of them. Due to the multiple religions it’s even possible to find two gods of fire, or five gods of war. Generally there is one major deity for each field, with a few less popular minor deities that have the same title. Of course the more bizarre or unique deities may be by themselves. Though in this case they usually end up being relatively weak for a deity. [/hider] [h3][Color=Gray]Important Events in History[/color][/h3] [hider=Age of Worship] The first religions were created early on in the beginning of Altreni, though it was only after hundreds of years that deities actually came into being. Prayer and worship skyrocketed as monuments were built in the deities names and followers devoted their lives to their teachings. Many new deities were born during this period of time, and the deities power was at an all time high. Back in these days there wasn’t nearly as much war and minor races were generally mixed together with humans. [/hider] [hider=The Sealing Of The Hydra] During the early years of the Age of worship, a Mysterious Being dubbed “the Hydra” terrorized a couple of villages. A hero attempting to kill the Hydra decapitated its head and attempted to leave its lair only for the Hydra to stand back up with two new heads. The hero, caught off guard by the Mysterious Being was quickly dispatched of. New heroes appeared, seeking to kill off the Hydra only for all of them to fail as the monster again rapidly gained more heads. Eventually the Hydra noticed that with each head it lost, it would regrow two new heads. So with thoughts of becoming unstoppable, the Hydra began to bite and rip its own heads off multiplying them at a rapid rate. More heroes attempted to stop the beast, but all were vanquished as the Hydra grew stronger and stronger. It wasn’t long before the gods were asked to deal with it as not even a group composed of the strongest mortals could defeat such a beast. A small group of gods was hastily put together to take it out, but being inexperienced and relatively new to the world, they figured it would be to much of a pain to try to face it head-on. This wasn’t actually the case though, as they could have easily taken it out. There was some misinformation about the creature, and it was thought that the only way to kill it was to destroy it entirely. So instead of asking for help, they decided to seal it away in a pocket dimension. After luring the beast into the pocket dimension they claimed they had defeated the Hydra and a small celebration was thrown for both mortal and deity on Altreni. [/hider] [hider=The Traitor Deity] Jeno was born mid-way through the Age of Worship and was known as the god of Charity and peace. He was often seen ending disputes and wars through compromise, whilst preaching that the world could only be saved by the good hidden inside of people. Because of his helpful and kind nature, he became heavily worshipped and received a surge of magical power in a short amount of time. It wasn’t very long before Jeno was one of the most popular deities. Tasting the power that his worshippers gave him, Jeno decided that overthrowing the strongest deity and taking his place as ruler would be the best thing for Altreni. While it’s true that the strongest deity, Alithos was no saint, he wasn’t exactly evil either. If anything he was more neutral and would often encourage a kingdom to go to war just as much as he would tell another kingdom to not battle if the dispute was over something pointless. Jeno didn’t care about this though, and wanted world peace through any means necessary. So in the name of peace and prosperity he ambushed Alithos at the fake meeting. Jeno started off by binding Alithos with magical thread stolen from a weaver god. He then attacked Alithos in a flurry of magical attacks. Battered and injured from the various blows, Alithos was forced to endure for a time. However, Alithos wasn’t the top god for nothing, and eventually broke the bonds that held him back and began to retaliate. The battle was hard fought as both deities exchanged attacks blow for blow. Even though Jeno had multiple artifacts under his control which he had stolen from other deities, the gap in combat experience was huge. As the battle pressed on it was clear Alithos was going to win. With one final desperate moment Jeno discharged all of the power in his artifacts and mixed it with his own for one large burst of energy. Alithos not backing down charged through the blast and created a protective barrier to deflect the attack before scoring a decisive blow and defeating Jeno. Alithos rested for a moment before opening a portal to the void and then tossing Jeno in for eternity. It has currently been a little over 250 years since Jeno's imprisonment. [/hider] [hider=Decline In Worship] After the battle was over news spread like wildfire among the various deities and eventually reached the mortals on Altreni. While it was considered a clear cut case as many deities had reported many of their artifacts being stolen after having a chat with Jeno, a couple of deities and most of the mortals on Altreni refused to believe it. With thoughts such as, “so the gods think they can do anything they want?” And “It’s impossible for Jeno to have done anything wrong. Alithos must have attacked him first.” Many mortals cursed their own religions and abandoned them. This resulted in a large decline in worship and power for the deities weakening them heavily. Luckily most of the minor races still believed them and continued to worship them, so even the weaker deities were still very powerful. A few of the deities that believed in Jeno are still being worshipped, but many fanatics do not trust any deity now. [/hider] [hider=The Hydra’s Return And The First Dragons] As the decline in worship was taking place, a small portal was reported to have Hydra heads pouring out of it. Luckily at the time a powerful warrior was there to take care of it and decapitate the heads forcing them back from whence they came. A couple of priests were told and an emergency meeting took place as it was then discovered the Hydra was still alive and was only placed in a pocket dimension instead. Over the thousands of years the Hydra had continued to grow in power as it devoured its own heads. Estimates by a couple of gods determined that the Hydra was now probably around the size of a small planet. With the size of the pocket dimension being limited, it was determined that the Hydra had diverted its magical power to a couple thousand heads and used that to create portals to hopefully reach another realm. With its large size and its constant search for a new space to send its heads into, it was only a matter of time before it actually found another realm. It didn’t help that the realm of Altreni was actually fairly close to the spot where the Hydra lived. Since then reports of portals spewing forth Hydra heads has increased in number all over Altreni. Though usually deities and heroes stop the heads before the portal can become any bigger. The Hydra is completely undefeatable at this point, as it would take all the deities teaming up together during the age of worship to actually kill it off. Every now and then a dragon will appear from one of the portals, and while all of them vary wildly, most have wings and a breath weapon of some kind. While not confirmed, the most widely accepted theory is that dragons are Hydra heads that were storing magical energy and accidentally cut off and only partially devoured. The mass of magical energy would then interact with the fallen hydra head and result in a mutation allowing the fallen head to regenerate a new body. Thus dragons are not actually considered a type of Mysterious Being, and are instead grouped under a subset of the larger Hydra entity. Typical dragons are about as powerful as an exceptional mortal, though it varies heavily between each one. Rarely there are reports of dragons that have multiple heads, though these may just be rumors. [/hider] [hider=The Genocide Of Worshippers] A large scale genocide that occurred a couple of months after Jeno’s imprisonment. Mortals believing that Jeno’s imprisonment was a conspiracy began murdering those that were religious. Being heavily outnumbered and unprepared, the worshippers were forced to flee as the soldiers and militia cut down both man, woman, and child. Not even the minor races were safe as they too were hunted and forced to build away from most civilizations. There are still a couple of cities and kingdoms that worship the gods, but most kingdoms are now actively against most or all deities, and wars have broken out between the worshipping and anti-deity states. Furthermore most minor races have fragmented away from the humans, and are now quite suspicious of them. The genocide is still ongoing, and many anti-deity kingdoms actively go to war and punish those who are caught worshipping a deity, or who are caught worshipping the wrong deity. Some pro deity states also do the latter as well, but they’re generally much more relaxed when it comes to this. The deities can’t just destroy the mortals killing their worshippers, as that would only further destabilize the relationship between worshipping and anti-deity states. Not to mention they would certainly receive retribution from the deities still being worshipped in the anti-deity regions. Instead smaller scale battles of attrition are occurring, though it’s only a matter of time before things begin to further spiral out of control. Many deities have now moved into the worshipping states with their followers in an attempt to protect them should any attack happen. Followers in exchange for this protection, devote themselves more to their deities and continuously give them more power to protect them from the anti-deity states as well as Mysterious Beings, which have been increasing in number recently. [/hider] [hider=Deity Hunters] Recently the anti-deity states have been forming powerful groups composed of numerous mortals which hunt other deities in an attempt to purge them from the world. They usually cause chaos in worshipping states, in an attempt to draw out a deity before attacking. So far deities killed by these groups are few and far between, as they are rarely successful, but they have been recently getting stronger. There has been evidence that a certain Deity Hunter group is being led by “the strongest mortal man.” No one is entirely sure about the man’s identity however, he is said to be exceptionally powerful for a mortal, enough that he can actively take on some of the weaker deities in a one on one fight by himself. [/hider] [h3][color=Orange]Character Sheets[/color][/h3] [hider=For Deities] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles (if any):[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] You may be genderless or a gender that doesn't exist depending on your base form. [b]Age:[/b] (You should be anywhere from 2,000 to 12,000 years old) [b]Base Appearance:[/b] What does your character look like in their base form? [b]Other Appearances:[/b] What other appearances can you take on? (if any) [b]Personality:[/b] What is the personality of your character? How do they feel about mortals and deities? How do they feel about Jeno’s imprisonment in the void? How do they treat their followers? Do they have any quirks? [b]Skills:[/b] Does your character have any simple skills that they are proficient in? (e.g. cooking, martial arts, or swimming as examples) [b]Preferred Field of Magic:[/b] What field(s) of magic does your deity specialize in? [b]Spells/Abilities:[/b] Are there any specific spells or physical abilities your deity likes to use? Feel free to make up anything within reason, and try to keep it within your deities field of specialty. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] How does your character normally fight when in combat? (Whatever you put here will be considered their main fighting style, and while you can technically fight any way you want while in combat, fighting in a way that deviates from your style may be less effective.) [b]Artifacts:[/b] Does your deity have any artifacts they use in combat? Do they have any artifacts that they have handed down to some of their followers? [b]Pocket Dimensions and Home:[/b] Is your deity the creator of any pocket dimension? Also where exactly do they live? On the upper world, Altreni, or in their own pocket dimension? [b]Biography:[/b] A biography detailing the growth and popularity of your character as a deity, as well as how the followers view their deity. Are any of their views regarding your deity incorrect? What species tend to worship your character? [/hider] [hider=For Mortals] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Nicknames/Titles (if any):[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] You may be genderless or a gender that doesn't exist depending on your species. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] Feel free to choose a human or any minor species for your character. You can even make one up so long as it’s within reason. If you choose a minor species please list any traits or abilities they have, as well as what they specialize in (stats wise). [b]Appearance:[/b] What does your character look like? [b]Personality[/b]: What is the personality of your character? How do they view the deities? Do they worship any deities? How do they feel regarding the banishment of Jeno? Do they have any quirks? [b]Skills:[/b] Does your character have any skills such as cooking, cleaning, or swimming that they are proficient in? [b]Field Of Magic:[/b] (If Any) what field of magic does your character specialize in? [b]Spells/Abilities:[/b] What spells or physical abilities does your character use in combat? [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Describe your character’s fighting style. (Whatever you put here will be considered their main fighting style, and while you can technically fight any way you want while in combat, fighting in a way that deviates from your style may be less effective.) [b]Artifacts:[/b] What artifact(s) does your character carry and use? Other equipment/Items: Are there any other items and/or equipment your character has? [b]Biography:[/b] What was your character’s life like? What kind of environment did they grow up in? Are there any notable adventures you’ve had? Have you ever been able to visit the Upper World or meet a deity? Does your character worship any deities? Feel free to make up any kingdom, city, town, or location if need be. [/hider] [b]Note:[/b] Keep in mind that Mortal characters should be very strong for their race. Also feel free to worship another PC god if you play as a mortal. [h3][color=Red]Rules:[/color][/h3] 1. Nothing is absolute, any attack can be countered, dodged, overpowered, or blocked. It is impossible to have an attack that always hits its mark or an attack that can pierce through anything. 2. No godmodding or metagaming 3. All the rules of this site still apply. (Obviously) 4. No controlling, or killing any other character that is not under your direct control. 5. Do not determine the outcome of an action by yourself unless it is used in your own side-quest/path that is not being parsed by either me or the Co-host. 6. Don’t post a character sheet in the character sheet tab until I confirm that your character is good.