[hider=Sythis] Name: Sythis Gender: Male Age: 22 Species: Saiyan Power Level: 3,000 Aura/Ki color: Silver Appearance: [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/ed75/th/pre/i/2014/180/1/1/saiyan_jack_by_vansolt-d7ogka2.jpg[/img]. Has a blue scouter that allows him to read power levels. Personality: Sythis is considered an oddity by those who encounter him. Most civilizations saw the Saiyans as a barbaric race of murderers and pirates who simply wiped planets of life, Sythis on the other hand was quiet as a child and often felt bad for those that he was forced to fight against while training and would often hold back. As he grew older, he became more willing to fight but had and still has no desire to kill or maim but he will fight if he needs to. Abilities/Techniques: Ki blast Bone Breaker Strike: Closes to close range and slams into an opponent at full speed Heart Stopper beam: Closes to extremely close range and fires a beam of energy directly into an opponent's chest. Corona Launcher: Unleashes a massive blast of super-heated energy at a target Nova Barrage: Sythis unleashes a barrage of super-heated energy blasts at an opponent or multiple opponents. The more that hit, the more damage is done. Equipment: Scouter. Weaponry: None History: Born in an alternate universe where multiple Saiyan factions fought among themselves after Frieza and the rest of the PTO vanished before destroying Planet Vegeta, Sythis and his family were forced to flee from Planet Vegeta after angering the Royal family. His mother and family were marked for Death. Despite the fact that they managed to hide for nearly ten years, eventually a group of elites managed to track them down and killed both of Sythis's parents on a small planet in the east galaxy while he watched. For some reason he still doesn't understand, the elites left without searching for him and Sythis was left alone on a hostile planet until the age of 22. He was forced to fight against the hostile wildlife and other threats and grew stronger and stronger with each battle. One night, while searching for food, a white light enveloped him and he found himself on a strange world. Instead of a grey sky with almost no visible stars he found himself staring up a sky filled with stars and green grass under his feet. Other: Nothing at the moment. TEAM THREE STAR! [/hider]