[@Kaalee] It's House Ralei, not Ranei. Okie, since I think the server issues are over, I can finally look over some stuff. Communication is key to getting this thing going, so everyone cooperating already is good! It's all about each of us working together, not just Ambra and I! :D House Rathmore only has one heir remaining, but they are very ill and yet to be determined as we continue setting up the other Houses. So basically, the only playable characters in House Rathmore can be any potential wards, knights or Kingsguard, [b]Lord Commander of the Kingsguard[/b], and the like. There should be characters from House Rathmore, though. Remember, you guys can also make any minor Houses. Of course, you'd just need to run their words, sigil, location, and members, by me. But that's mostly why we haven't created maps yet. To elaborate on religion, it does play somewhat of an importance, but not enough for me to mention each and every individual one in each regional post. This can be an explored theme later on, though, if it warrants interest. Mostly, we are waiting for the Lords of House Lear and House Ralei to continue with further discussion on their children; if no one wants to take their roles, Ambra and I will make them ourselves.