​ [center][img]https://skline18.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/isolde11.jpg[/img][/center] [color=fff79a]Name:[/color] Cassiopeia Ralei [color=fff79a]Age:[/color] Seventeen [color=fff79a]Titles:[/color] [i]Lady Cassiopeia[/i] [color=fff79a]Origin:[/color] Location of birth: Caerleon [color=fff79a]Allegiance:[/color] House Ralei [hider=Family:] Arthur Ranei(Brother) Jaelyn Ranei(Sister)[/hider] [color=fff79a]Personality:[/color] Cassi is kind, above all else. She despises people who use their power or money to hurt other people. She admires the Knights for their pledge to help people, although she's met some less than stellar ones. She's extremely close to her twin, and all her family, and like her brother, her mother molded her into the person she is today. [color=fff79a]Background:[/color] Born to privilege doesn't lend well to lots of life experience. She devoted herself to her studies, in needlework, music, whatever she persued she might not have excelled at it at first but she worked hard to try. What she truly enjoyed, surprisingly, was politics. It was like fighting, but without the blood and it could be used to change the world for the better. She sat in on one of her father's advisories when she was nine years old and took to it like a fish to water. She liked to use her position and her silver tongue to try to change things for the better, make things better for the people of the South, and other realms if she can. Cassi, however, hasn't left the South, as she doesn't particularly care to leave her brother. As she gets older, and into marrying age, the fact that she will soon have to leave her family, that terrifies her.