"No, it's just that I don't think it would be a wise use of your time to go off and pursue such a strange endeavor." "It's not STRANGE, Akihiro, it's my PASSION. Isn't that why Dad sent you off to Shine City? To follow your passion? And now look at you, Mister I'mprobablygoingtobeafulltimeprofessorandwillforgethislittlesisterinthedust." Akihiro's ash brown hair bobbed slightly as he chuckled, holding the phone a bit closer to his ear as he made his way past the scant early risers of the city that so desperately wanted to go back to bed. At least, he could only make the assumption, seeing as their slow gait and steaming cups of coffee indicated that the only thing that could shake them from the thoughts of falling asleep would be a rush of caffeine. Thankfully, they were so tired that there were no dirty glares cast his way due to his being on the phone. Not that most cared, but Akihiro didn't want to be one of THOSE guys that was on their phone in public and yammering loudly about their personal business. This was, however, a special call: Azumi, his little sister and consequently the baby of the family, was approaching graduation from high school and was attempting to convince her brother to allow her to stay with him and pursue a dancing career, one which held little to no money and empty promises...or that was how he saw it. "Zumi, you know that I want you to go after what you're passionate about, but come now, dancing? That's not a guaranteed profession." "According to a bunch of websites I went to, yes it is! I could be a professional ballet dancer and make oodles of money and make you realize that yes, I can make it in the big time...but I need your help to rub it in your face." Another chuckle came from the graduate assistant, his green eyes looking up to find the sign for the Mochavine coffee shop, his destination. "Just come visit me, I'll take you around and then we can talk here, ok?" "Ok, ok...I love you, you big goober." "I love you too, Zumi. Be good." "No promises!" He shook his head, entering the cafe and spotting one of the local singers on stage. What was her name again? Was it Raven? He shrugged internally. Maybe after hearing her voice, he could identify her. Until then, he ordered his normal green tea with lemon and made himself comfortable in a small booth near the rear of the shop, yet still allowing him full view of the stage. He sipped his tea, nodding in approval before planting the book he had carried with him on the table. His class wouldn't start for another few hours, so he had some time to prep for the lecture on Assyrian mythology and Mochavine provided a wonderful place for him to focus. As he opened the book, he couldn't help but wonder about the duo he had met a couple of nights ago. Their evening had ended rather abruptly, Sonny and Aya seeming to disappear instantly, so he hoped that they had both found whatever they were looking for. A part of him hoped that Aya would come in, seeing as her striking appearance and mystique was a code he wanted an attempt at cracking. Alas, he doubted that would be the case. Instead of dwelling on the immediate past, he delved into ancient history, opening his book as he leaned back into the booth.