Yes, it's finally up! Something i started to wonder about as i read the hiders was the artifacts. Most notably the divine ones and their need to be recharged. Me not knowing how to actually make artifacts ingame, i decided my guy could simply make just about any artifact with the right preparations. So i gave him great knowledge of magic, but he won't be able to go around tossing arcane storms or fire tornadoes. Perhaps a fireball or two but that's it. His arcane knowledge focused on making artifacts. So i have this early draft, i'm still a bit curious about how to create artifacts. ......................................... Name: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] Nicknames/Titles: lord of the forge, master of arms, steel personified, chivalry's father. Gender: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] sees himself and holds the form of a male. Age: About 11'500 years old. Base Appearance: [img][/img] [b][i]Ha[/i][/b], has the appearance of a massive knight clad in black steel armour, told to be taller than the tallest pine in the forest, he wields great strength in combat, but is also intelligent. Armed with a massive sword which never cooled after its forging, and never will. How [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] looks beneath his harness is unknown and non who have tried have ever succeeded to persuade him to show. Neither through words or martial prowess. Other Appearances: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] isn't known to take on any different appearances. But can change his size. Personality: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] is a stout individual, that values his solitude, he often resides within his forge and contemplate upon his next wonder he will construct. When he leaves his forge, he commands without doubt and demands the very best of each of his subjects. Failure is frowned upon and to fail [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] himself is often punished, at times even with death. He is contemplative and resourceful in nature, never rushing into a situation. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] values honor and chivalry, and as such gives those who live by its codes the respect they deserve. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] finds the mortals recent lack of faith an afront to deities. They would be nothing without the careful guidance of gods and they should be more thankful. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] finds Jeno's treachery unexpected and completely abhorrent. Treason goes against [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]'s moral centre and as such he thinks Jeno's fate was well deserved. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] often likes to make a show out of things, making unnecessary statements and pretentious acts. Skills: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] as the god of chivalry holds massive skill in swordplay and strategy. He seldom needs to fight all out. He also is the god of the forge, he has all but mastered the art of forging artifacts in all of their forms. None can make artifacts greater than [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] it is told. While [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] could create artifacts that are not necessarily forged, he finds them a bit more challenging. Making a silken weave isn't his forté but he could make it. Preferred Field of Magic: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] focuses on any magic which makes him more proficient at artifact forging. So while he has great knowledge in arcane magics within the areas of fire, earth, wind and raw energy and how it can be infused in objects, [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] mainly uses divine magic. Spells/Abilities: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] has the ability to create simple objects of war at will, weapons and armour can be created at a whim, with effort and magic he can make even larger weapons of war or fortifications of legend. He also takes little damage from heat, and blunt weapons seems to do little harm upon him. Fighting Style: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] is a master of the blade, fighting with skillful strikes and keeping on the offense, relying on his prominent armour for defense, he fights up close only if he has to though. He usually tries to let others fight for him as he sees himself as a general and commander. Artifacts: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] wields the sword "Ember" when it strikes home the blade bursts into flame making it cut through armour like cloth and bathing the struck in flames. Normal mortals cannot hope to survive its strike, although epic heroes with powerful weapons might be able to parry Ember's might. [i]Ha[/i] also wields a runic hammer of the forge, by some told to be the greatest hammer, and named after [i]Ha[/i] himself ,[i]Ha-mmer[/i]. With its might, less magical resources is needed when forging magical artifacts. And its strike can shake mountains, but is unwieldy in combat. Pocket Dimensions and Home: [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] lives in his divine forge, a massive foundry made of marble filled with all sorts of wondrous tools for crafting and smithing, [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] has gifted the understanding of many a tool to mortals. The foundry stands atop a fire spewing mountain within his small realm, which basically only contain the mountain with the forge and some burnt forest around the base of the mountain. It is said that every furnace is a gate to the divine forge, while this is an exaggeration [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] does have a great affinity to the forges of the mortals and usually acts from or near them. Biography: At the first stroke of a hammer against the first anvil, [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] was born. Is how his followers describe him. His form gradually became that of the towering blackened steel warrior as his crafts were used more and more for war. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] is popular with armies and generals that uphold the laws of chivalry. Knights often have [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]'s blessing, albeit seldom in more than a figurative sense. More anarchistic forces tend to dislike [b][i]Ha[/i][/b], mostly since he is always their opponent. After the fall of Jeno, [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]'s image was torn between the factions of mortals. Many feared the wrothful hand of the lord of crafts, some claimed him making artifacts for Jeno, something that when [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] heard of, he himself personally smote them for doubting his honor. Acts that have had a myriad of effects upon the mortals view of [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]. But above all it reinforced the view of [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] as a wrothful and vengeful deity, someone that was quick to strike where he saw wrong. However [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] isn't nearly as wrothful as mortals think him to be, he is far more controlled in his actions and always try to justify his acts. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] is not shy of helping those that uphold his values. Smiths, warriors of chivalry and those who command. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] is usually worshipped by humans. [b]Dominion(s):[/b] Steel, forging and crafts, weapons, chivalry, walls. [hider=Clarifications and measurements.] His size is that of a tall man when he is in his foundry. 1,95 meters. When he treads the mortal realm, he likes to appear larger. He can at most be 4,5 meters tall, unless he uses divine magic to alter this. Which he doesn't do normally. His equipment appear as the same scale as [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] himself and therefore also shifts in size. [i]Ha-mmer[/i] and [i]Ember[/i] was forged by [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]. Most legends about them are simply misconceptions. [i]Ha-mmer[/i] is a one-handed hammer, it is beautifully decorated with flowing design. While it is told it could shake mountains it could not really do that. It's supposed to lessen the magical resources needed and doesn't hold earth shaking powers. It's probably one of [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]'s shows that have given birth to this misconception. [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] is great at making artifacts, other deities often ask him for guidance when forging themselves. But as with any deity the stronger the deity, the stronger the artifact. It also matters how much magical resources and its rarity in their forging. [/hider] [hider=Secret stuff] [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] collects forging artifacts. He has a second, really small dimension which holds these items. A tiny little forge in a hut with a pit kiln. The hut has no outside and is dimly lit by the fire in the kiln and in the firebed. He has searched far and wide trying to find as many ancient items as possible, the first anvil, the first hammer, the first whetstone. Etcetera. He has a few very very old items, it is probable that none of them is the actual first of its kind. But [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] holds great value in them and revere them as the true essence of himself. Without them he wouldn't be. (i'd love if one of these things is the actual first [@gammaflux], like he actually has the first hammer :P) This smaller portable dimension can be entered from his divine forge or from the place [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] thinks is the site of the first forge. Regardless if this is true, there is a gate to that place in a long forgotten and ruined settlement next to a mountain. The entire place is really shoddy looking, filled with very rusty tools and broken equipment. A few items are placed in a manner which resembles a blacksmith's workstation. Most of these tools are very damaged though. But they are very ancient. This is [b][i]Ha[/i][/b]'s true sanctum, should anyone tamper with this sacred place, he will be very, VERY angry. [/hider]