[h3]critters[/h3] [hider=the dragon] Name: Paon Plume (real name) Nickname: None Age: 95-looks 23 Type: Lightning dragon Affiliation: Hiding (may fight if necessary) Appearance: Human: His human form stands at 5 foot 9, but he weighs the same as in his dragon form. (Luckily he doesn't look it) his muscles are lean and rather misleading to how strong he actually is. His hair is a pale blonde with faint strands of other colors, luckily hair dye is a thing so it isn't suspicious. His eyes and some markings follow him into this form. His eyes are oddly opal in color in both the iris and the pupil leading to him appearing blind even though he is not. Underneath his ribs are pale blue stripes that connect on his back, this has lead to him wearing longer then average shirts since the stripes end around the pelvis area. Dragon: [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/9a/3a/c8/9a3ac8b7d6e904e385df8c7ba9ca49a4.jpg[/img] He is about the size of a Clydesdale. Personality: Paon is not your typical dragon. At least, not for his type. Where others are hot tempered and typically act before thinking, Paon is hard to anger and never acts without thinking it through (though he has his moments) He has sarcastic moments, but is usually sinply level headed. However, if his buttons are pushed enough, he explodes with anger since he typically bottles that anger. It is probably not healthy. History: Paon was the smallest of his siblings, even his egg was small. Though at the time his parents were hopeful for a good leader. When Paon hatched, his parents found nothing but disappointment. Not only was this one small, but also blind. Being found as unfit for princehood, Paon was abandoned to die. Paon survived and has done well for himself. He moves from job to job, collecting as much money as he can before moving on. Until he won the lottery. That was an interesting win, and instead of spending it he placed good amounts into various bank accounts. He will be able to live off of that for quite some time. With the development of these scientists, Paon finds himself hiding in plain sight. Blending in with humans and trying hard not to expose himself in anyway. This means he can only take his true form when he feels safest. Abilities: -lightning: Paon can create and control a beautiful arraignment of rainbow colored lightning. He can either breathe it or use his hands. -True form: Paon can go from human to dragon or dragon to human. He retains the strength from his dragon form in human form. -Enhanced senses: Heightend senses of sight, smell, and heightened hearing. Weakness/weaknesses: -weapons made of dragon. -extreme cold Other: -he is not actually blind, but goes with it. [/hider] [hider=the dark fairy] Name: Peter Pan (yes that one, much darker a tale) Nickname: Only known to those he works with as 'Mr.Right' Age: Around 1000 Affiliation: Works with the scientists Type: Dark Fairy Appearance: Peter is considered beautiful in his two forms that have been seen. He stands at 6 feet and is well built. His hair is a red so dark it is almost black. His eyes are an unearthly purple with silver flecks that seem to show kindness. His skin is lightly tanned and when he become more fairy like silver flecks can be seen dotting his flesh like beautiful freckles. His ears have a slight point that becomes more drastic when he becomes more fairy like and he is constantly seen in green tops and leather pants. He is hardly ever seen in his human form, so those he works with have become accustomed to his purple and black monarch butterfly type wings. Unlike many fairies, he does not have any dust. His power seems to come from within. When he becomes angry his true self becomes more apparent. True self: Peter becomes more evil looking when his glamour drops. Dark markings seem to slowly cover his skin and his eyes become much darker. His hands develop onyx claws and his mouth looses the perfect teeth in favor for razor sharp shark teeth. His wings go from pretty to deep black with skulls for markings. He is hardly ever seen in his full true self. Personality: Peter is very deceptive. He is charming and his silver tongue gets him what he wants, when he wants it. He is much like a snake and is thought to be the one who spread the tale of the happy version of Peter Pan. He is a dangerous ally to have. History: We all know the tale of Peter Pan. The child that did not want to grow up and defeated the nasty Captain Hook, but what if I told you the tale is much darker and much much different then what is known. Peter is not from a different land, but rather a forest of old. He was born to other dark faries, but was thought to be too weak so he was placed with a family while the human baby was taken. So he was raised amongst humans. He quickly realized he was different and that he no longer wanted this life. After killing the human family, he took to the woods and began luring children to him. He made them believe that he was some fantastical being who could allow the children to never grow up...half was true. He took their energy slowly, sa outing the taste before allowing them to die. The whole time they believed they were in a different world and that they were experiencing wonderful illusions. This occurred for many many years, until the scientist came. They tried to capture him, but instead he offered to help them. Children were becoming tiresome, he wanted something different. Now he works with the head scientist and is considered his right hand man. Abilities: -Energy vampirism: he drains energy from an individual much like a vampire does blood until the individual dies. He prefers to do so slowly. Kind of like a dementor -Telekineses: he can manipulate objects or individuals around him. However, the heavier the thing the more focus and the more energy it takes and the sooner he must feed. -illusions: mostly done in the mind and mostly just makes the victim see either fantastical things or horrifying things. Can make the victim insane Weaknesses: -feeding: he must feed for energy....kind of like a vampire the more he feeds te more powerful he is. He especially loves the smell of torture -Iron Other: He loves to savor his food and he loves the taste of tortured or scared energy. The lower on energy he is the easier he is to kill. He is considered of high rank. [/hider] [h3]Npcs[/h3] [hider=the head scientist] Name: Eric McConnel Age: 50 (uses some anti aging cream looks late 20's early 30's) Type: human (horrible person but still very much human) Affiliation: scientists Appearance: For someone so evil, Eric is surprisingly attractive. His blonde hair is thick and styled in a messy sort of way on his head while his striking eyes hold no sign of age. The oddity lands with one eye being a bright blue and the other a green. His skin is a honey color while his build is more athletic. The only imperfections being faint scarring from dealing with supernaturals who fight back weakly. He has gotten much better at preventing them from fighting back and expects for better results. Personality: Eric is the embodiment of a two sided coin. On the outside he is a charming, easy to like guy, but as soon as he gets to work he becomes a cold hearted man with single minded coldness that results in the perfect results. He has no mercy for the supernatural and expects his coworkers to be the same. They aren't human, they aren't people, their only use is for tools for humans. History: Eric was normal growing up, at least that is what he put forward. In actuality, he was fascinated by science and found himself drawn to animal anatomy. He found a knack for learning what made animals work. This lead to him going through college majoring in biology. He graduated with a Ph.D. In biology and chemistry and started working in labs specializing with animal testing. It was pure luck that himself and a small group (2-3) of peers happened across their first supernatural. The experiments began and the rest is history. Abilities: He is a human so, his brain is where his power lies. Weakness: Being a human means he is vulnerable to everything. Other: Most of the scientists like him. [/hider] [hider=the wendigo] This thing has very few human qualities left and that is perfectly okay for its use. It seems that it is male and that if it stops being fed for long enough it becomes more human. The creature is tall and thin with pointed ears, black eyes, razor sharp teeth, long claws, animalistic legs, and odd antlers on its head. The creature is fairly domestic in that it does not attack scientists since they along with Peter feed it. [/hider]