Ok, i will work on the notes you've made. Also i should make a non descriptive section with his looks and some clarifications. Also a secrets section. As with the hammer... i copy pasted some info from an rp that died, so i forgot to properly proofread some things. I guess i should clarify and think that part over :P Also i like the idea of [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] taking the hammer... so yes >:D [color=00aeef]Edit:[/color] Now my character sheet should be up to par. Please take another look. I've also added some stuff. People may read the 'secret stuff' hider. But it is things probably only [b][i]Ha[/i][/b] knows and thus would be godmodding if someone just found out. Of course it could be found out in game (and should be) though.